Gee S4R we’ve missed you ever so much.


Sep 7, 2001
As I am sure ALL of you have noticed I had a recent absence from the forum. This is due to the fact that I found a lump in my breast and…err…moving on. Actually, I had surgery on my hernia. My three years of moving furniture for money to spend at record stores finally caught up with me. Now please, wipe the tears from your eyes, ;) I assure you it is not life threatening and will in no way further hinder my posting duties. Glad to be back (after a not so noticed or lengthy absence for that matter) you’re least hated buddy list addition, Soul4Raziel. :)
I too had a hernia once...let me tell you that donkeys, heavy lifting, and S&M dont go well I hurt

:lol: :lol:
Anyways welcome back
I am glad to see I have friends that will feed my narcissistic-necrophilia-pyro-personality disorder. :D
I once had debilitating pain in the lower back after a day of picking amps. I really dislike picking and moving amps they are usually rather heavy...once i picked one over 50 kg over my head and i could barely sit down the next day. I have increasing back problems so i do not think they should be taken as a joke...