Omerta inspiration.


May 17, 2009
I have been listening to Omerta alot lately, and it inspired me to write a short story. I thought I might share it with you. Its based on the idea that two brothers meet after a long time. Its an early draft and theyre might be a few spelling mistakes and punctuation errors. Its called "I'll have what he's having". Anyways here it is:

James walked down the stretch of road that winded through the small town to the bar. As he walked he pulled his collar up, it was particularly cold for July, especially for a “heat wave”. He wondered to himself why he had never been to this bar before, and now he thought of it, he had never heard of this bar at all. He had lived in the town for 40 years, and not once had he heard it mentioned or seen it on his travels. It must be a new place he thought, but as he walked up to the bar he was a little taken aback. It was probably the worst, most grotty looking building, James had ever seen. The bricks were blackened as if it has been in on fire once, the windows so covered in dust and grime he couldn’t even see in. And the sign was one of those cheap electric signs, but over time some of the bulbs had gone out so it read as “ick” instead of “Mickey’s”. Christ only knows why Oscar has chosen this place to meet, he hadn’t seen his brother in nearly 7 years now, and this is the place for this grand reunion. James smiled and shook his head as he walked towards the rotten green door, totally Oscar’s style he thought.

Even though it was fairly light still outside, it was eerily dark inside, a few bare light bulbs only dented the darkness, and those grimy windows didn’t help matters. The place was naked except for the bar itself, the room was dotted with a few crocked tables and chairs. James went up to the bar and looked for the barman, he wasn’t anywhere to be seen, and now he realised there was no-one there at all. Is it open? He thought, perhaps he should wait outside.

“What’ll it be?”
“Jesus Christ!!”

James was so taken aback by this sudden appearance of the barman that he jumped backwards and fell back on a chair. Which it seemed was too much for the old veteran piece of furniture, and broke, sending James face first to the floor. When his face made contact with the floor he swallowed a lot of what seemed like dust, but only more dense. He got up and started spluttering, the barman laughed then opened a bottle of unlabeled beer, and put it in front of James. “On the house, for giving you such a scare then”. James was unable to talk but just picked up the bottle and drank deeply.

“Thanks, sorry about the chair”
“Ah that’s alright, I need to get them replaced anyway” said the old barman, still smiling after what probably was a pretty funny scene to behold.
“What beer is this, it’s really good”, James had already finished his and was taking money out for another.
“Oh that”, he said whilst getting out another. “I make this stuff myself actually, bit of a secret really”.

James drank the second one in less than a minute, and took a proper look around the bar now that his eyes had got used to the light. He saw faded posters on the wall, which looked like war time propaganda posters, chuckling to himself he thought that was probably the last time this place was cleaned.

“You here to meet someone?” the barman had already gotten out another, which this time was cold, but there didn’t seem to be a fridge anywhere.
“Yea, how did you guess” Said James handing over the money.
“Oh no-one comes here for the atmosphere” He said laughing, “Most people here are meeting someone else”.
“I’m James by the way”, holding his hand out.
“What a coincidence, mine too”.

James noticed that the barman’s hand was very cold, despite it being fairly warm in there, but he didn’t dwell on it as just as he was about to ask for another, the door opened. His brother stood in the doorway, he looked well, Jesus he looked like he hadn’t aged at all since their last meeting. He strode over and they embraced each other. Again James noticed how cold Oscar was, “Oscar you frozen come sit down, what will you have to drink?” Oscar looked at the barman winked and said, “I’ll have what he’s having”. After a short while the barman came over, left the beer and returned to the far end of the bar.

“Well Oscar, man you haven’t aged a bit since we last saw each other”
“Yea I’ve aged quite well, you on the other hand look like a fucking old man”. They both laughed as this, and they both took the opportunity to drink.

They both continued the small talk for a while, James found out that Oscar hadn’t done a lot with his life since he left, big fucking change there he thought. And James told him that he had settled down with Sylvia and they had two girls together. “They’re all beautiful” said Oscar his eyes watering slightly. But as James wanted to turn the conversation to a more meaning full point, the point which lead to Oscar leaving so many years ago.

“Mum misses you Oscar”
“Shit, you didn’t tell her we met tonight did you?”
“No I didn’t, she’s very weak these days, telling her would make her worse, not that you know a lot about that”
“Oh for fuck sake, you’re always playing the hurt martyr aren’t you?”
“Yea constantly Oscar, whist you have been gallivanting off around the world, I’ve had to stay here and look after her. You really did a fucking number on her after dad died”
“Alright, I didn’t stay, and you know why I left didn’t you?” James looked away.
“ wasn’t her fault he did those, those things to you”. The conversation went quiet for a while and James thought back to when Oscar was still around.

His father was a loving parent to him, but to Oscar it was like he wasn’t even his son. James remembered the nights he could hear his father beating Oscar, he was always told it was because Oscar was doing bad things. But he later found out that there was no reason, that his father got some sort of sick pleasure out of beating his own son. He never believed the other things though; he didn’t want to, that his own father did other things to Oscar. Sexual things.
James looked up at Oscar, with tears in his eyes and his hand reached out for Oscars and held it for a while. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell anyone what happened”, tears were streaming down his face now, “I knew what was going on and I didn’t help you the way a brother should”. Oscar stopped looking angry and looked at his brother and closed his eyes, “You were young and you didn’t understand, don’t blame yourself for what that monster did, you hear me?” Oscar nodded slightly, and Oscar wiped away James tears with a tissue. “I have to tell you James that I was the one who made sure he didn’t touch you, you know?”. James looked shocked at this, “What!?!....I...I don’t believe you”. Oscar sighed and put both hands to James head, one either side and James felt like he was moving at high speeds, he couldn’t stop it, the pressure was getting to great, he felt like his head was going to explode and then it stopped.

He looked around, he was in the old family house, and Oscar was there as well. James went to say something, but Oscar just put his finger to his mouth to signal James to be quiet. James looked around, he smelt his mothers cooking and saw Jinx they’re old cat and felt a pang in his heart. It wasn’t all bad; we had some good times he thought. He saw a younger Oscar come in and sit down on the squashy crème sofa and turn on the television, he looked so different back then, he looked like there was still life in him, like he hadn’t died inside yet. James saw a black eye on his face; there were periods in his childhood where he thought Oscar was a panda as he always had black mark round his eyes. Fuck I was so naive back then. James heard the front door open and heard the nostalgic sound of his father coming home from work. James smiled as he saw a young version of himself running through the lounge to meet his dad and show him what he did at school that day. The smile disappeared quickly when he saw the young Oscar. His face was white, he looked like he was going to be sick, his knuckles white from clenching his fist and a petrified look on his face. He knew what was coming. James remembered that his dad stayed in his study for a while before dinner, and this time was sacred, no-one was to bother him. He then saw his dad walk through the lounge, wearing his work suit, carrying a hat in one hand and a briefcase in the other. He stopped before the young Oscar; he never looked at him, but merely gestured to the study door with his hand. The young Oscar didn’t move, but merely looked directly at the crème carpet, a tear rolling down his face. His father sighed, went to the study, put his coat, hat and briefcase away and came out.

“Anna!” He barked.
“Y...yes” called back his mother sheepishly.
“You and James go play in the bedroom for a minute” Said his father, with a repulsive sly smile on his face. You fucking bastard thought James, you really enjoyed this.

His mother came over and tried to reason with his father, “Please don’t do this anymore, this isn’t right”. “I SAID GO TAKE JAMES AND GO PLAY IN THE FUCKING BEDROOM” he bellowed striking his mother with the back of his hand. She fell onto her side, and clutching her face went over, picked up the young James and ran to the bedroom, slamming the door. James was so enraged he went over to his father and tried to hit him, but his hand went straight through him, James was feverishly trying to stop his father has he went over to the young Oscar and dragged him into the study. All the time Oscar was screaming and James was shouting, “STOP YOU FUCKING BASTARD, ITS YOUR SON!!!”. Oscar came over and said, “there’s nothing we can do, come on there’s more you need to see”.

Just before his father shut the door, Oscar and James quickly walked through. His father had already removed his trousers and boxers, stroking his penis slightly. He said with a glimmer of madness in his eyes and drooling slightly he said, “Right clothes off and bend over the desk”. “No, I......I...won’t do this anymore” said the younger Oscar, his face covered in fear, tears and snot. “Oh wont you now, well I guess I’ll have to move onto James, perhaps he will enjoy it more than you”. His father strode over to the door and the younger Oscar put his hand out, “wait......alright...I’ll...keep doing this, but only if you never do this to James, leave him out of this”. “That’s fair enough”, said his father smiling slightly “now clothes off and bend over”. As the younger Oscar looked away and went to pull his trousers off, James felt icy cold hands around his head and again he felt this immense pressure on his head and he was back in the grimy, filthy bar.

James looked at his watch, how long had we been there, it had only been a few seconds. He felt empty. No. Worse than empty he felt nothing. The whatever it was, the mindfuck his brother gave him had drained all the love for his parents out of him, had drained all the warm memories of childhood he had. It felt as if he found out he was an orphan, and he didn’t know who his parent were. He looked over at Oscar and just broke down, he fell to the floor beside Oscar, his head in rested on Oscar’s leg, crying and screaming. Oscar simply put his hand to James’s head and stroked it.

Time was irrelevant it seemed whilst he was like this but he finally came to when the barman came over, James got up, wiped his eyes, he didn’t want a stranger to see him like this. The barman looked over at Oscar and said “you haven’t got long left, try to wrap this up”. He winked at Oscar and walked to a door at the back of the bar and leaned himself next to the wall there.

“What does he mean “wrap it up”” James said puzzled.
“James, I’m....I’m dead”.
“James I left after dad died, I was depressed, I had had enough of life, I killed myself 6 years ago”. He then rolled down both sleeves to show his arms, both had been slashed with what James guesses was a butchers knife, there was no traces of blood, and the wounds had become black. You could see muscles and tendons, and on the left arm, white bone.

James backed away; he felt the room spin around him, what the fuck was going on. Oscar came over and said “breathe James, breathe”. But James couldn’t, he stumbled over to the bar and threw up. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and looked down, he felt and saw vomit come out of him, but there was nothing on the floor. “Ok, what the fuck is this place?”.

“Look I haven’t got long so just shut up and listen ok?” James nodded, still feeling a little light headed. “This place is like a meeting place between the dead and the living; we get one chance to meet just one person. I’m sorry I took so long to contact you, but the waiting list is a fucking mile long. I wanted to come and see you again, to say I’m sorry for leaving, to say I’m sorry for leaving life, for not being strong enough. I wanted to see you my brother and have one last beer with you, I’m so happy for you, your wife and kids and beautiful and i just wish I could have been a part of their lives.”

The door had opened, this brilliant whit light filled the room and blinded only James, and he put his hands to his eyes and saw the barman put his finger to the watch on his wrist.

“Look James I have to go, I wanted to say I’m so proud of you and I love you very much”, he went over to James and they embraced again, now he was very warm and realised that he himself felt very tired.
“” his thanks was cut short as Oscar put up a finger to his mouth.
“No need for thanks James, just promise me you will live life and love your family and look after mum, you were right it was not her fault, don’t punish her”,
“I will believe me I will, and I’ll look after mum, please don’t go”. He said this last part longingly and held out his arm as Oscar walked towards the door. He turned and mouthed “see you in a bit”, James nodded and waved. Then the door was shut the brilliant white light was gone and he sat down on the chair, which like the first broke under his weight.

The barman came over and helped him up, gave him a beer and told him he had to leave, the next person was coming. He thanked the barman and went out the rotten green door and as he turned round he saw that the bar was gone and there was nothing there except grass. James downed the beer and thought longingly of his brother, he had hated him for so long, but now loved him and missed him more than ever. Then he recalled him saying love your family and live life, James smiled threw the bottle into the road and started walking back down the winding road, then started laughing and broke into a run.

Please feel free to be blunt with criticising it, I'd rather have that to help make it a better story.
sorry man, too long to read :p everytime i listen to this song, i imagine as a MusicVideo... there a small bar with a small stage, and the narrator owns the bar. And all happens after it's closed, the narrator is sitting in a bench, drinking and talking to the barmen about how the day went (and Katatonia are playing on the small stage). Then this guys comes in (his old friend, the narrator was actually in some mafia, but couldn't take it, so he ran away, left everything behind, changed his ID and build this bar). The barman leaves, and let the guys talking about the old days. But the guy that comes in, despite been an old friend, is still on the mafia, and how you know, "you can't leave the mafia"... so after years hidden, he is finally found by the mafia, and finally killed by his best friend

and the vid goes changing between the scenes at the bar, and the band playing in a small stage like an acustic stuff, they are all sitting, with they legs up the air, like it's a reharshall or some jam, very relaxed or something =p
I read it, at leat the majority of it. It's good, but you should add some details to create the atmosphere more, let's say, darker. And coldness in July somehow doesn't fit, sorry. Set it in October or November.

I imagine this song as simple conversation in a bar between two brothers while drinking a beer or something. The conversation is hard and very emotional though.

P.S. Vikk, your signature is slightly offensive, not to say more (not the pic) :> :erk: