Rest in peace my friend.

Hmm, some how I don't think this thread is going in the right direction. The people making comments about drugs/drug users being stupid and what not... come on... someone died... show a little respect, you don't really need to discuss it. You have no idea about addiction most likely, that is fine, its probably better that you don't have experience with any sort of it, but why make a comment about it in a thread dedicated to a lost friend... If you lost someone, somehow I don't think you would appreciate comments about the cause of death etc. Not trying to continue any hostility either. Just saying.

Back on track...

Deliverance - I am truly sorry for your loss.
Damon - R.I.P and with my deep sympathy on your friends and family.
Deliverance - I hope you will overcome this terrible loss.

I agree with Justin, it's absolutely terrible to insult a people who already dead in tragedy. Freedom of speech, yes of cos but it's all about morality.
imagine if you died and someone tell your mom, your boy suck and deserves to die,how would you like this? if you not, please don't do it to others.
I do really think it's not a right thing to encourage to peoples to take hard drugs and I also disagree on the drugs abuse are from genetic. It's more about your will.
A very good friend of mine is going through this and I'm scared for him...
I'm so afraid of losing him...
Reece, my deepest condolences in this time of need to his family, friends and your soul.
Alcoholism runs in my family.

I've seen 2 different families from my family torn apart because of it, and drug abuse. My greatgrandfather died because of it and probably a few before him. My aunt is a recovering alcoholic and my uncle is in denial. It's a terrible thing to see. Reece, I believe you are correct in these issues and I agree with everything you've said. I'm almost 20 and afraid to even touch a beer can because I've seen what can happen because of it.

I'm sorry for your loss.