Geek Out


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004
i'm i the only comic book geek here?

i've been waiting on this:

You've been waiting for badly made, fake trailers?

i dont think this one is fake, Jost. it was most probably bootlegged from this year's Comic-Con. i know Hugh Jackman was there to promote the movie, but thanks for chiming in with your usual, unproductive response. at least your ignorance is consistent.
i dont think this one is fake, Jost. it was most probably bootlegged from this year's Comic-Con. i know Hugh Jackman was there to promote the movie, but thanks for chiming in with your usual, unproductive response. at least your ignorance is consistent.
No, it's fake. The fact it was uploaded in sept 2007 probably gives that away, though.

As usual, your gullibility has amused me. Please keep it up.

Also, kudos on finding one of the links to the leaked trailer. You're a couple days late and would have served you better when starting this thread today, but hey, it's probably the best you can do :)
No, it's fake. The fact it was uploaded in sept 2007 probably gives that away, though.

As usual, your gullibility has amused me. Please keep it up.

Also, kudos on finding one of the links to the leaked trailer. You're a couple days late and would have served you better when starting this thread today, but hey, it's probably the best you can do :)

a couple of days late? did i miss the post on it? i looked and didnt see one, so i have to draw the conclusion there isnt one.
with that said, it doesnt matter WHEN i found the links to the leak. this wasnt a race to find a link. i was starting a thread for THIS FORUM.

i understand the concept is difficult for you to grasp, considering you're an idiot.

now... run along. there are windows to be licked and the day is early.
please dont try to speak reason with the troll.


this was announced awhile ago.

since this is the right thread, was I the only one bored by The Dark Knight? The joker was great, but the film was toooo long. I also kept laughing at the fake voice Batman would use.
The trailer is NOT a fake.... This movie is shot and in post..

Uhh, yes, the movie has been known about for a while.

The trailer in the first post IS fake. It is fan made using footage from the first 2 x-men movies. Again, if you could actually read my post, it was uploaded in sept of 2007. The actual trailer was shown for the first time at comic con a few days ago.

How embarrassing
**YAWN** What a fag!!!!:lol:

Uhh, yes, the movie has been known about for a while.

The trailer in the first post IS fake. It is fan made using footage from the first 2 x-men movies. Again, if you could actually read my post, it was uploaded in sept of 2007. The actual trailer was shown for the first time at comic con a few days ago.

How embarrassing
Do you come to this board only to start shit with everybody else? Just curious.

let me answer for him: yes.
he's one of those internet tough guys with no real life friends and he smells of cheese.
he comes here, makes these meaningless jerk-off posts, then probably stops people walking by in the library to show his posts to them, as proof of how cool he is.
Cruel but effective! Huh. Why does just thinking about the smell of cheese make me want to rush to the lav and throw up my guts when its referring to a person?

At any rate, Josto's person is likely a noxious combination of jarlberg and mom's musty cellar.
