He's baaaaccckkk!!


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004
i LOVE this guy!! if i lived in NY i'd go to his church!

this was pretty cool, too. he wasnt just talking about the long-legged pimp daddy, Obama.

That's just embarrassing, even for a specimen as low as you.

Oh well, after tonight's debate, obama pretty much has this election clinched.


No more cavemen in the whitehouse
That's just embarrassing, even for a specimen as low as you.

Oh well, after tonight's debate, obama pretty much has this election clinched.


No more cavemen in the whitehouse

now, if we could only purge the mouth-breathing trolls from this board.
now, if we could only purge the mouth-breathing trolls from this board.

This is great.

I mean no matter how bad a day I've had, no matter what problems I have in life, it's always nicce to know I can sit here and say "At least I'm not Suencaveman" and the world is instantly a brighter place
This is great.

I mean no matter how bad a day I've had, no matter what problems I have in life, it's always nicce to know I can sit here and say "At least I'm not Suencaveman" and the world is instantly a brighter place

Your home must be sans-mirrors.
What do you mean, "he's baaaack!!"?

The honourable reverend James David Manning never left! I tune into his atlah global communications empire in order to get daily briefings on that

Long-legged, mack-daddy, islamic, homosexual emissary of the Devil, BARACK HUSSEIN OOOOOOOOOOOOBAMAAAAA!!!!!!

P.S. to Josto: Screw you, cheeseboy!

What do you mean, "he's baaaack!!"?

The honourable reverend James David Manning never left! I tune into his atlah global communications empire in order to get daily briefings on that

Long-legged, mack-daddy, islamic, homosexual emissary of the Devil, BARACK HUSSEIN OOOOOOOOOOOOBAMAAAAA!!!!!!

P.S. to Josto: Screw you, cheeseboy!


ah, Jurched, my love... everyone isnt as enlightened as the two of us. this may be the only exposure to Rev. Manning that some folks have.
"Don't call him Obama any more, call him Barack Hussein Omawali" :loco:


Actually thats going to be President Barack Hussein Omawali

McCAin wants to buy back mortgages that retards go into..that is stupid.

Obama thinks if you make more than 42,000 a year you're above middle class. When did I become a rich man?

Both of these guys suck. Riots if Obama wins. Riots if he losses. Election fraud will be at an all time high, mark my words. A lot of white people will be guilt tripped into voting for Obama. Democrats of todays day and age have no balls.

Im glad I don't live in Atlanta!