He's baaaaccckkk!!

McCAin wants to buy back mortgages that retards go into..that is stupid.

Obama thinks if you make more than 42,000 a year you're above middle class. When did I become a rich man?

Both of these guys suck. Riots if Obama wins. Riots if he losses. Election fraud will be at an all time high, mark my words. A lot of white people will be guilt tripped into voting for Obama. Democrats of todays day and age have no balls.

Im glad I don't live in Atlanta!

they've already uncovered a LOT of cases of voter fraud. Obama's buddies with the organization, ACORN, have been forced to cop to it.
will it effect Obama's campaign?


when a Republican gets caught cheating, it's an outrage.
when a Democrat gets caught cheating, it's 'resourceful.' :rolleyes: