General Vocals?


I need money...
Jul 17, 2004
Clearwater, Florida, USA
Can any of you guys give me some tips on doing death metal vocals equivelant to bands such as... Opeth, Lamb of God, or Children Of Bodom? I know that their vocals are all different but I just want some general tips. I want to learn! Thanks.
Tips: 1st of all, try using your breathes in combination with your stomach.
2nd:If you want to reach a low growl make your mouth like pronouncing an "ooooo" vowel :yell: , it helps a lot.
3rd:You don't need to shout at the mic, your voice must be on a level like you make a conversation in a room.
Mainly you need a lot of practice in front of a mic / In the beginning you will damage your throat :yuk: , but sometime you will be able to realize how "it's done" & not hurting your throat :grin: .Practice!!!!
I hope i helped you... :wave: IF you're interested hearing my brutals check
1. Get alot of volume. Volume is Power. Metal is angry.

2. Sing with your Diaphraghm (lower stomach) It will sound alot better, deeper, and louder. Sometimes you can sing with your throat for really high screams though.

3. Try expanding your vocal range by starting out at the low end and raising the tone till you cant go higher, and then back down. (repeat) Your voice should crack somewhere along the way, which is normal but not a good thing to have. Everyone has this problem, but if you do this exercise, you'll end up with a wide vocal range.

4. Experiment. It's your godamn voice. Not mine. Dont try and sing like me or anyone else... sing however you want, but do it in your own style.

5. If you play guitar, try matching your voice with a note. This will help you get on key.

I hope this helped, if you have questions or whatever, PM me.
I have the absolute last thing you want to hear....... take vocal lessons. Yeah they will make you sing clean boring non-metal stuff, but you don't have to take it for years. Just take it long enough to learn about breathing techniques, and how to expand your range (even if you are wanting to expand it lower.) A good vocal coach will also be able to teach you to know when you are damaging your voice.

It's kinda weird...
I heard people say to do death metal growls with little volume, and I've heard people say to do them with much volume.

I prefer to do them with high volume, but because people say different things, I suggest it depends on your style...

My Tip: Do what ever is more comfortable for you.
Drink lot of coke (or another drink) that will cause you to produce more saliva. Keep those saliva in your mouth so that your throat can endure more..
Sing notes into a electric tuner (eg the ones with flashing lights) and alter your voice until you are singing the correct note. Then put loads of notes together in say an arpegio and see if you can get each note correct (still using the tuner(you may need some new battarys by now :p )). Then get some sheet music/tabs that have the lyrics and notes on, and sing to then :)

btw, this method doesn't work when your doing stuff like mayhem, but i found it a good way to build up my 'singing' ;)
I dont like using tuners, really inacurate like that. They only really work the way they were meant to be used... with a cable. so maybe a mic? I dunno. at least my $10 KORG doesnt work so well for that.

Serriously the note matching thing is a really good warmup.
HELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELP!!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
I am a girl who wants to grooowl!!! People say I'm excellent with clean and opera singing, but now I want to growl :hotjump: Any advice for me??? Oh, please!!! Btw, I am soprano, but my growl is waaaaaaay better than my scream :confused: I was wondering if someone of you had any advice for me on Katatonia-like singing, you know... your voice goes easily from growl to scream. I really don't know how to do it, it sounds terrible when I try...bah... And my throat hurts a bit. How long do I have to practise to sing growl/scream easily????????? HEEEEEEEELP!!! :hotjump: