General Zod joins the ranks

Demonspell said:
And definite progress is finally being made on the new ZH, although its come at a price in Erik Rosvold's firing...
It seems that all of sudden my favorite singers are making a mass exodus from my favorite bands:

Matthew Barlow - Iced Earth
Jorn Lande - Ark
Erik Rosvald - Zero Hour

I feel like I'm forgetting someone.

speed said:
Ive never heard this zero hour band. Should I give them a try? They arent singing about swords and dragons are they?
No, definitely not that sort of lyrical subject matter.

To my ear, they're the best pure Prog Metal band on the planet. They take things as far as they can be taken, without becoming Spiral Architect and showing no regard for the boundaries of song. They're musicianship is simply awesome. Their lyrics are fantastic ("Towers of Avarice " is an amazing concept CD). Their singer (x-singer these days) Erik Rosvald is about the best kept secret in Metal. If you like true Prog Metal, and don't mind giving a CD three or four spins to allow it to sink in, this CD is a must buy. It's one of those CDs that just continues to get better with each listen.:worship:

General Zod said:
They take things as far as they can be taken, without becoming Spiral Architect and showing no regard for the boundaries of song. They're musicianship is simply awesome. Their lyrics are fantastic.:worship:
Sounds just like ManOwaR :)
Let me know what you think Speed. It will definitely take more than a few to fully sink in. Zod pretty much summed it up. He just forgot to mention that they are A LOT heavier than your typical "prog metal" band.
I'm kind of wondering why we still don't have a lot of the RC editors on the official picture page. Send in your pictures, you lazy bums. :<