Genital Grinder – Genital Grinder


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Genital Grinder – Genital Grinder
Adipocere Records – CDAR80 – 2003
By Russell Garwood

Genital Grinder - in case you hadn’t guessed from the name - play brutal grind/death. The French four piece comprises vocalist and guitarist Seb Purulator, Julien on guitars, Francois on bass and drummer Severin. The vocals are a scathing guttural growl, displaying little variation or originality, but fronting the aggressive music with malice. Severin’s drums often rely on blasts, but sporadic start/stop sections prove no challenge, and time changes are handled with ease. The bass is straight-forward but powerful, while the guitars exhibit occasional melodic sections, but are for the most part relentless and extreme. Sporadic riffage is used to good effect, and samples are also present on some tracks - an interesting addition, which highlights the band’s slightly juvenile but strong sense of humour.

Overall Genital Grinder are an unoriginal but competent group. Their music isn’t breaking any boundaries, but at the same time the production, writing and performance could be far worse. If you are a fan of brutal grind/death or gore, then they may well be worth checking out, but otherwise are perhaps to be avoided.