
StevenK said:
this is the best thing i have ever heard of to combat spam!
"make love not spam" is a campaign originally tested on the Swedish ISP-market as a PR-campaign in collaboration between Starring (fd Moonwalk Stockholm) and Lycos-owned

How it works is that the screensaver, through a roundrobin-principle, fills up the webserver-logs of the targeted spammers with requests connected to the campaign.

The downside of this is that the spammers, under the "can spam"-act are able to make an abuse-complaint to your ISP, saying that you are taking part of a DDOS-attack against them. Sad, but true. Add to that; if your website is hosted at the same ISP as a spammer's, or even in the same network, you may be part of a collateral damage process caused by this screensaver.

What is shit about the spamming problem, beside all the drone-networks out there, where spammers and hackers use trojan-infested computers to send out their garbage, is that big ISPs such as UUnet are not very willing to help with dealing with both abuse and getting rid of spammers from their networks, as after all; the spammers = big business for many ISPs.

Other ways to mess with the spammers can be; or that works like the screen-saver, but here your browser loads images from targeted spammer-websites.

The best way to get rid of a major part of the spam-mail is SENDERID - SPF imo.

Until a similar system is standard, I'd just stick with a server-side spam and virus-protection, with a fine-tuning on the client-side instead of these screensavers.