genz benz el diablo clip


Sep 17, 2006
I got the amp and cab yesterday, some pics in the other subforum here,

also got a really crappy alto mic preamp this morning, I know its far from ideal but after buying the amp yesterday I couldnt justify another big spend

I hadnt recorded an amp with a mic for many years, and the last time I did was probably during the metalzone solid state craze over 10 years ago, so I have much to learn.

anyways, heres a couple of quick clips I made this morning
just a really crappy riff, doubled (and out of time), whilst I experimented with mic position.
A quick simple thing I put some drums to, I like the tone of a couple of the clips in the first mp3 better, but couldnt recreate it for this one, so much more experimenting is to be done.
another clip
have had a bit more time to try mic placement, dialling a sound in, working out the mic preamp etc.
better results than the first one I think

this is doubled, with a boring lead over the start, and some fake drums

and the same thing again, guitars only

signal path - ibanez with inf1 stock pickups -> genz benz el diablo -> sm57 on axis against grill edge of dust cap -> alto mic pre -> sonar

no post effects on guitars
and no bass
Sounds like an amp that would be more suited to stoner/fuzz type music. I like the sound, but not something I personally would go for.
It sounds good, but you need to get rid of those stock pickups. I imagine the amp would shine if you had some Duncans or DiMarzios (maybe even a Bill Lawrence).
another clip of this amp
I have fitted an emg81 now
this is a bit more than a clip, more like half a song
I think its lacking some brightness, I quickly tried some eq on the mixdown but any more than a tiny bit made the drums sound too tinny

still I think I am getting better?

Lots of people have suggested I would never get enough gain from the amp but this clip seems to have plenty of gain, the opening but is a total arch enemy rip off I realise, its just a bunch of generic riffs after that.
As you can hear I had some issues with feedback near the start, as I was standing just about on top of the amp whilst playing

thanks for listening

edit: for those that prefer a less 'hot' mix, heres one with the faders pulled back a bit, version 4 is RMS average of -9, this one is about -13, I also added just a touch of pantheon reverb to the guitars
another clip of this amp
I have fitted an emg81 now
this is a bit more than a clip, more like half a song
I think its lacking some brightness, I quickly tried some eq on the mixdown but any more than a tiny bit made the drums sound too tinny

still I think I am getting better?

Lots of people have suggested I would never get enough gain from the amp but this clip seems to have plenty of gain, the opening but is a total arch enemy rip off I realise, its just a bunch of generic riffs after that.
As you can hear I had some issues with feedback near the start, as I was standing just about on top of the amp whilst playing

thanks for listening

edit: for those that prefer a less 'hot' mix, heres one with the faders pulled back a bit, version 4 is RMS average of -9, this one is about -13, I also added just a touch of pantheon reverb to the guitars

This clip does sound better than the other ones you've posted. I'm sure the EMG helped the tone as well as finding better mic placement. I really like the way the amp sounds, would like to hear it through different cabinets though.