Geoff Tate assaults Wilton & Rockenfield on stage?

So the other band member's court statements have been made public. It seems Tate has threatened (and/or assaulted) band members on countless occasions. He hijacked the band refusing to play fan favorites live and employed his family as managers and band business people, even when it didn't make sense to do so. The other band members also alledge that he has hijacked all of the writing and refused to give the band any input into the process on the last couple of albums. Wilton alledges that Mike Stone didn't quit the band but was fired by Tate for "making too many demands".

Here are their statements (warning, it's a long read, but worth it if you're a fan).
Official band statement
Michael Wilton
Eddie Jackson
Parker Lundgren
Scott Rockenfield
So the other band member's court statements have been made public. It seems Tate has threatened (and/or assaulted) band members on countless occasions. He hijacked the band refusing to play fan favorites live and employed his family as managers and band business people, even when it didn't make sense to do so. The other band members also alledge that he has hijacked all of the writing and refused to give the band any input into the process on the last couple of albums. Wilton alledges that Mike Stone didn't quit the band but was fired by Tate for "making too many demands".

Here are their statements (warning, it's a long read, but worth it if you're a fan).
Official band statement
Michael Wilton
Eddie Jackson
Parker Lundgren
Scott Rockenfield

i read all that and a few things don't add up:

first they say basically since 2000 tate has refused to play stuff from the first 5 releases (EP-Empire) yet on the american soldier tour they had a setlist of just stuff from rage for order, empire and american soldier. kind of odd that he "refused" to play early stuff yet made a setlist with 2 albums from that timeframe. also on the 30th anniversary tour it was tate who stated the band would be playing at least 1 tune from every QR album so doesn't that include the first 5 releases because i saw the setlists and they covered every album. also since 2000 the band has played every song from mindcrime, empire and rage for order at least 1 time plus 2 of the 4 EP tunes and 5 of the 9 tunes on warning. looks like ate and company have played a lot of early stuff since 2000

second thing that bothers me is producer jason slater who worked with QR on OMC 2, American Soldier, Take Cover and Dedicated to Chaos made a long blog about how he wants nothing to do with QR anymore or the tate family but also states the other members contributed very little to the recording sessions. so the rest of the band says tate hijacked the last few albums and didn't let them contribute to the writing process yet the producer has a long post where he says the other guys in QR were barely around and offered up very few ideas

just seems odd
just seems odd

The oddest thing is that they've let GT bully them for 20 years, according to their statements...
Years, for gods sake, not days! :ill:

They're bashing that cabaret tour - no one in the world could make me do things in my band I don't see fitting to do, especially such quirky stuff.
What were they afraid they were gonna lose, audience maybe? Lost already. Album sales? Declined long time ago. Profit from the band? From what I've read there hasn't been much profit involved in the last years, given the poor sales and neglected merchandise department...

This is a real soap opera, what can I tell you :)
Well, if things are working with La TOrre and the fans are as happy and peachy and smiling and nodding as everyone says, just move on and stop trying to post-rationalise your alledgedly sordid past with all these official statements and releases. Get DeGarmo back, go tour and record and everyone will be happy. justsaying
The oddest thing is that they've let GT bully them for 20 years, according to their statements...

How tall is Tate? Because bullying 4 guys at the same time, must be a cross between Hulk Hogan and one of the blue things from Avatar...

This is a real soap opera, what can I tell you :)

I know, I'm having a field day with it, same as Stratovarius and Black Sabbath before them. Sad buy amusing at the same time, a bunch of grown-ups behaving like school kids.
The thing is though, I understand why they've stayed silent and put up with him for so long (if their story is in fact true - though I don't doubt it). They probably figured without Tate they've lost their ace. Like Sebastian Bach and Skid Row, people just think Tate = Queensryche. Had they booted him in 2003, the fan backlash might have been major. It's like holding onto a job you hate but it pays the bills. And besides, when you're together for that long, the band just becomes a family, and to split it up is like a divorce.

Why "Rising West / Neue Queensryche" is succeeding is that with Tate's voice getting crappier (and just how awesome La Torre is), and the promise of more metal material, fans are ready to jump on board with this new project. Most die-hards hated their last couple of albums and want to hear those high notes again.
The thing is though, I understand why they've stayed silent and put up with him for so long (if their story is in fact true - though I don't doubt it). They probably figured without Tate they've lost their ace. Like Sebastian Bach and Skid Row, people just think Tate = Queensryche. Had they booted him in 2003, the fan backlash might have been major. It's like holding onto a job you hate but it pays the bills. And besides, when you're together for that long, the band just becomes a family, and to split it up is like a divorce.

Why "Rising West / Neue Queensryche" is succeeding is that with Tate's voice getting crappier (and just how awesome La Torre is), and the promise of more metal material, fans are ready to jump on board with this new project. Most die-hards hated their last couple of albums and want to hear those high notes again.

QFT! :)
If you go to Blabbermouth and punch in "Tate" into the Search box, you can read a lot of the arguments in Geoff's favour, including Susan's rebuttal.

Nowhere does she refute that she ran another band through the Queensryche account and illegally booked them in the States without visas.