George Lucas:Destroyer of Rainbows

isn't the untouched version coming to dvd/theaters or something or did i read something wrong? there are so many versions i can't even keep up, but this would be a great business idea (greedy bastard) if he were basically making this so he could also release the "original" version, getting the fanboys to buy both. the changes are seriously fucked up though, i don't mind the changes in the special edition because while they were unnecessary, they weren't horribly offensive, but adding NOOOO to the part where he's electrocuting him? what the fuck? the silence is a huge part of the mood of the scene and what makes the throwing of the emperor into the abyss so powerful.

whenever i want star wars i fucking watch my original vhs copy. the quality may be shit, but it's star wars the way it should be, not star wars the way george lucas imagines it every time an idea pops into his head while he's taking a shit.
The special editions were actually fairly tasteful, because much of it was just enhancements to already stock footage effects that actually looked extremely dated by that point. The only real negative for me was the added cantina Disney/Jim Henson musical that was beyond retarded. That, and he forgot to add the new effect of the Ewoks all being disintegrated by the Death Star giving it's last big hurrah. Even as a ten year old I knew there was something horribly out of place with the Ewoks. "Oh no, too many of our Wookie cast got scooped up into the NBA! Quick, call the cast from Time Bandits to play as the Care Bears!". :mad:
isn't the untouched version coming to dvd/theaters or something or did i read something wrong? there are so many versions i can't even keep up, but this would be a great business idea (greedy bastard) if he were basically making this so he could also release the "original" version, getting the fanboys to buy both. the changes are seriously fucked up though, i don't mind the changes in the special edition because while they were unnecessary, they weren't horribly offensive, but adding NOOOO to the part where he's electrocuting him? what the fuck? the silence is a huge part of the mood of the scene and what makes the throwing of the emperor into the abyss so powerful.

whenever i want star wars i fucking watch my original vhs copy. the quality may be shit, but it's star wars the way it should be, not star wars the way george lucas imagines it every time an idea pops into his head while he's taking a shit.

The dvd set I have comes with the original theatrical release versions AND the special edition. :kickass:
replacing Alec Guiness with McGregor at the end in the apparition scene with Hayden opposed to Alec Guiness with Hayden Christenson makes more sense. It sucks because Alec Guiness is replaced (if we all had it our way we'd have it like the original film with the guy who played the old anakin and guiness)...if you're going to have one of them young and the other in the present time of their death, that's off balanced...if they're both young it could be interpreted as the force revealing to luke a past relationship that once was that is now joined again. I'd rather have them both young than one of them young and the other old. But of course, I really don't see why he has to edit it like that...the original scene was so much better. George lucas is an idiot. But hey, at least this third edit makes more sense of the second edit, which is all I'm saying.
how 'bout uncle george just do something new instead of messing with old relics. i mean, adding the "NOOOOO" to the electrocution scene in RotJ, that's almost as bad, if not worse, than that musical number added in Jabba's palace

"If George Lucas continues to change Star Wars at this rate in the year 2028 it will just become Spaceballs."

LOL. at least Mel Brooks had the common sense to leave well enough alone
The special editions were actually fairly tasteful, because much of it was just enhancements to already stock footage effects that actually looked extremely dated by that point. The only real negative for me was the added cantina Disney/Jim Henson musical that was beyond retarded. That, and he forgot to add the new effect of the Ewoks all being disintegrated by the Death Star giving it's last big hurrah. Even as a ten year old I knew there was something horribly out of place with the Ewoks. "Oh no, too many of our Wookie cast got scooped up into the NBA! Quick, call the cast from Time Bandits to play as the Care Bears!". :mad:

The fact that Greedo's gun is pointed directly at Han Solo and shoots off to the right (and he doesn't even flinch) isn't the least bit upsetting? That and the hangar scene with Jabba where Boba Fett does everything but wave to the camera was annoying as hell as well.

The guy who originally played Anakin in the now overdubbed scene was Sebastian Shaw.
My common sense tells me that there's no way even Lucas would be so moronic as to add another Big No to Star Wars, especially coming from (again) Vader. That's got to be a joke.

Yeah, it totally sounds like a joke. That is, if you're someone who is considered "sane". Lucas is getting up there in years and most of his changes to the series, especially those that started with The Phantom Menace seem to be things his grandkids suggested because they thought it would be "cool". Seriously, Menace can be summed up as Disney kid saves the day: guest starring Goofy the Gungan!.
It just ruins the entire scene. His silence and scanning back and forth made you wonder what he was going to do; was he going to save Luke or let him die? Now there's no mystery whatsoever. I get that he might be trying to tie the "noooooooooooo" from ep III to Jedi but its embarrassing.

There comes a point where, for the film's sake, you have to take it away from the writer/director to save it from them. Go work on ""Howard the Duck", a movie that needs saving, leave the SW films alone.
AHhahahaHAhhah... :hotjump:

haha that delay/reverb/whatever effect is pretty cool, but that scream sounds like the "WOOOOOO" that a frat boy bellows after pounding a pitcher of miller lite. And he's supposed to be emulating the cry of a Krayt Dragon.
It just ruins the entire scene. His silence and scanning back and forth made you wonder what he was going to do; was he going to save Luke or let him die? Now there's no mystery whatsoever. I get that he might be trying to tie the "noooooooooooo" from ep III to Jedi but its embarrassing.

Exactly. That scene goes from epic and complex, to a fucking parody of itself. Hell, the first "no" is actually not too bad, although the point at which it came in made me wonder if that was it, or if more was to come; because if not, there was going to be much silence for a few more seconds. If Lucas wanted to add more dialogue, he should have simply used the very first "no", but added it right before Vader steps in to pick up the Emperor. The scene would have still not been quite as good as before, but it would have been a MAJOR improvement over what it ended up as.
Ugh, please, FUCKING STOP. I can't take this shit anymore. My childhood is slowly being ripped to pieces by George Fucking Lucas. Someone stop him before it's too late. Just wait, Jabba's Palace scene is gonna have that fucking kid as Boba Fett in it, just fucking wait. I'm gonna go kill myself now.
At least, on the bright side, while Lucas is royally raping these films, he hasn't gone politically correct, YET. I mean, Boba Fett COULD be flying around in Indentured Servant 1. The Emperor could be The President Of The Free Democratic Republic of Corusant. This keeps me going.
Now see, the scene that should be digitally redone is Boba picking up his father's helmet in AOTC and having his father's head drop out of it and hit the dirt with a squishy thud.

Haha. Seriously, as I was typing my last post I was thinking the exact same thing!