George Lucas:Destroyer of Rainbows

The fact that Greedo's gun is pointed directly at Han Solo and shoots off to the right (and he doesn't even flinch) isn't the least bit upsetting?

Holy shit. I literally have not watched the Special Editions in over a decade (and only via VHS), and just watched that scene again. It's so fucking awful. It's not even the fact that "Han" does not flinch, it's the fact that it's so obviously digitally shifted frames.

Oh, and you might like this version instead. Dunno.

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The new version of the Han/Greedo scene is much better, but at the end of the day, he's making large character shifts. He seems totally anti anti-hero, but those are the best kind. Han's no boy scout. Vader doesn't just all of a sudden become 'good'. It's supposed to be grey, ya' fuckin' dickhead... Lucas is such an asshole. :lol:
I'll stick with these...
You know, some people would claim that some people treat Star Wars like some kind of religion, and to an extent I'd have to agree. Most people that I know that are "religious" and truly believe in their proclaimed dogma were typically indoctrinated at a very early age.

I don't consider myself some huge Star Wars nerd at all, but I can say that the first three are three of my favorite movies, despite the fact that I've seen other movies that are probably better acted, produced and written. I get a gushy feeling anytime I think about Empire; because I saw it in the movie theaters when it was first released. I also saw Star Wars at the drive in for my birthday two years in a row and had a Star Wars birthday party when I was five, and my bedroom had Star Wars everything, including curtains.

What sucked though was that on that birthday I wanted a Luke, or Obi-Wan, yet ended up getting not one, but three Vaders...WTF? I also had a Vader head shaped cake that was super awesome, except it had a disgusting licorice flavored icing that was not so awesome.
that was fucking hilarious, watching the other parts now. i quite often forget that there even were the prequels since i've seen tpm like 3 times (darth maul rules despite being mute pretty much), aotc once, rots once (i seriously can't even remember the plot of this one). this is making me want to go back and rewatch the entire thing all over again, except for episodes 1, 2 and 3 of course.
(i seriously can't even remember the plot of this one).

Disney kid gets emo. When Disney kid gets emo, children and sand rapists die and he ends up wearing satan contacts. A dirty old man starts lying and tries to get Disney kid into his pants while also shooting lightning at other random people (while having about ten pounds of pudding slathered all over his face). Disney kid ends up fighting his step dad, who tosses him into the center of the planet where his legs fry off. Disney kid then goes to the gas station for a tune up while his wife/prostitute/clone that he didn't really love gives birth to two brats he tries to kill later on. He then realizes he's going to have to pay child support. Nooooooooooo!