George W Bush four years of a disgrace


New Metal Member
Sep 1, 2004
In response to that comical speech he gave at the RNC i have stubled upon some key points:

President Bush has Undermined the Environment
George Bush, who campaigned promising to be “the environmental president,” withdrew the U.S. from the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention on Climate Change signed by over 160 nations.
Reneged on campaign pledge in 2000 to reduce emissions from four pollutants including carbon dioxide.
His administration has refused to accept the firm scientific consensus that fossil fuel related climate change constitutes a real danger insisting the evidence was “incomplete” despite research from the National Academy of Sciences (requested by Bush) and the Environmental Protection Agency – during his time in office finding human causes of climate change that will have severe environmental and economic impact.
Has proposed the “Clear Skies Initiative,” that would repeal portions of the Clean Air Act designed to prevent pollution with corporate trading to permit pollution. Clear Skies would loosen caps on nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide that cause smog and acid rain – allowing 68% more nitrogen oxide emissions and 225% more sulphur dioxide emissions.
Weakened the “New Source Review,” a provision requiring old industrial plants from before 1970 to install modern pollution control technology.
In 2003 the EPA quietly reversed a long-standing environmental safeguard – it lifted a 25-year old ban on the sale of land contaminated with cancer-causing PCBs.
According to the EPA, more than 300,000 miles of the nation's rivers and shorelines -- and some 5 million acres of the lakes -- are “impaired.” Bush has reversed a trend of years of improvement. Now, 45% of U.S. waterways are too polluted for fishing or swimming, up from 40% a few years ago.
Hid the truth from the public concerning the dangers resulting from the 9-11 attack in New York City. The EPA issued nine press releases in the four months after the attack assuring workers and the public that they were safe. In fact, they were not. Documents released in recent months show the Bush administration knew of the risks but consciously hid them from the public – actually removing warnings to the public from news releases. Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act show the White House Council on Environmental Quality influenced the EPA messages by removing cautionary information and adding reassuring statements. The documents also show screaming matches between the White House communications director and the EPA.
Of more than $40 billion designated to restore wetlands, protect habitats, conserve water, and improve water near farms, only $9 billion will address conservation, the rest will actually subsidize corporate factory farms which pollute the environment.
The White House has bankrupted the Superfund program making toxic waste clean-up impossible and is not pressing for renewal of the polluter pays law that has expired. The fund has been underfunded by an average of more than $300 million per year since 2001.

President Bush is Leaving US Youth Behind
Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” education law leaves more children behind by not adequately funding the programs and requiring poorly conceived testing not teaching. Local governments have protested the law because it is an unfunded federal mandate. Teachers have criticized the law because it undermines education – teaching to the test.
Bush has failed to make good on his promise to increase the amount of money eligible students could receive in college scholarship grants. Rapidly rising tuition puts college out of the reach of ever more families.

President Bush is Eroding Constitutional Rights
The Patriot Act has decreased the privacy of all people in the United States. They allow increased wiretapping of telephones, snooping of Internet messages, secret searches of homes and businesses, data mining of commercial databases, review of business records including library and financial records.
Undermining women’s right to choose by signing into law the unconstitutional “partial-birth” abortion ban and imposing a global gag rule on foreign groups receiving U.S. aid.
Continuing and expanding the failed war on drugs which now costs the federal government $20 billion annually. The Ashcroft Justice Department has misspent law enforcement resources prosecuting medical marijuana patients and providers in states where voters have enacted laws allowing the use of marijuana as a medicine.

President Bush’s Failed Foreign Policy Record
President Bush has led us into a quagmire in Iraq based on falsehoods, misinformation and deception. His choice to illegally invade and occupy Iraq has not only cost us more than 970 lives of U.S. soldiers and civilians in Iraq, and more than 15,000 Iraqi civilian lives, it has becoming a breeding ground for terrorism, destroyed the standing of the U.S. in the world community and diverted our attention from preventing terrorism., according to Bush’s own advisors.
The Bush administration has clearly chosen sides in the Palestinian-Israel conflict making it impossible for the U.S. to be a neutral arbiter of peace. The Administration has approved the actions of the military government of Ariel Sharon, no matter whether their actions violate international law, Israeli law and the human rights of the Palestinian people. President Bush's unwillingness to involve himself in the Middle East peace process in an objective fashion is one of the more overlooked—but nonetheless crucial—arguments against his ability to effectively achieve his loft goals with respect to the 'War on Terror.
The Bush administration has failed to address pandemic and disease worldwide. President Bush has remained silent in the face of a likely flu pandemic from China. The physicians and other scientists at the Centers for Disease Control have warned the administration of the growing risk of a viral pandemic from China. But the administration has failed to act. The Bush administration's $15 billion dollar pledge of humanitarian aid for AIDS-ravaged countries in Africa heartened many, but he has not fulfilled that pledge when it comes to actually providing the funding needed.
The Bush administration continues to wastefully prepare for war while failing to wage peace. The Department of Defense spent approximately $7.7 billion last year on National Missle Defense, and put in a request for $9.2 billion for FY 2005 despite the program's proven and ongoing record of practical failure. Both the American Physical Society and the Union of Concerned Scientists have public expressed strong misgiving as to the workability of a National Missile Defense system. At the same time, the United States has continued to rank dead last among developed nations in total foreign aid, measured as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product.

"You say Liberal like its a bad thing" :D
As_those_palaces_Burn said:
In response to that comical speech he gave at the RNC i have stubled upon some key points:

President Bush has Undermined the Environment
George Bush, who campaigned promising to be “the environmental president,” withdrew the U.S. from the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention on Climate Change signed by over 160 nations.
Reneged on campaign pledge in 2000 to reduce emissions from four pollutants including carbon dioxide.
His administration has refused to accept the firm scientific consensus that fossil fuel related climate change constitutes a real danger insisting the evidence was “incomplete” despite research from the National Academy of Sciences (requested by Bush) and the Environmental Protection Agency – during his time in office finding human causes of climate change that will have severe environmental and economic impact.
Has proposed the “Clear Skies Initiative,” that would repeal portions of the Clean Air Act designed to prevent pollution with corporate trading to permit pollution. Clear Skies would loosen caps on nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide that cause smog and acid rain – allowing 68% more nitrogen oxide emissions and 225% more sulphur dioxide emissions.
Weakened the “New Source Review,” a provision requiring old industrial plants from before 1970 to install modern pollution control technology.
In 2003 the EPA quietly reversed a long-standing environmental safeguard – it lifted a 25-year old ban on the sale of land contaminated with cancer-causing PCBs.
According to the EPA, more than 300,000 miles of the nation's rivers and shorelines -- and some 5 million acres of the lakes -- are “impaired.” Bush has reversed a trend of years of improvement. Now, 45% of U.S. waterways are too polluted for fishing or swimming, up from 40% a few years ago.
Hid the truth from the public concerning the dangers resulting from the 9-11 attack in New York City. The EPA issued nine press releases in the four months after the attack assuring workers and the public that they were safe. In fact, they were not. Documents released in recent months show the Bush administration knew of the risks but consciously hid them from the public – actually removing warnings to the public from news releases. Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act show the White House Council on Environmental Quality influenced the EPA messages by removing cautionary information and adding reassuring statements. The documents also show screaming matches between the White House communications director and the EPA.
Of more than $40 billion designated to restore wetlands, protect habitats, conserve water, and improve water near farms, only $9 billion will address conservation, the rest will actually subsidize corporate factory farms which pollute the environment.
The White House has bankrupted the Superfund program making toxic waste clean-up impossible and is not pressing for renewal of the polluter pays law that has expired. The fund has been underfunded by an average of more than $300 million per year since 2001.
I work as a mechanic....... and just so you know the laws have changed so that the emmisions of any new engine made this year are 20-25% lower than than last year . this goes for cars, trucks, turf care equipment ect.ect. Makes this shit real hard to work on, more exspencive to fix and raises the price of this stuff 5-!5%. The laws have taken effect.

I didnt get into the rest of the bullshit because If one of your "facts" can be debunked. the rest must be shit to....................

where do you get your info from anyway?
It was right next to the UFo Bigfoot was flying in.
The funny thing about being 17 is you have the privilege
Of being wrong and not accountable for it. Where as when you
Realize that being a conservative means protecting America
From itself. Wait until you're 40 and someone tells you what
I hear every year. 4 million illegals every year preparing
To be Democratic slaves in the future
I have found this information at the home page for Ralph Nader (the only man who i feel really deserves the presidency)

Conservatism protecting the saffety of Americans?
hmmm i found that hard to believe when W took one
of the longest vacations of any pressident
in fact him and John Ashcroft were ignoreing
there national security reports in August of 01
or in bush's case simply not reading the reports.

In response to the patriot act: "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin

"you say Liberal like its a bad thing" :D
How about Clinton getting a Report on Osama Bin Laden and how he was behind the first world trade center bombing. So what does he do ? Launches a cruise missle from 1000 miles away and assumes that he got him.

Thats a Democrat for ya.

he was to busy getting his dick sucked by a fat chick to take that shit seriously.

Nader has a better chance of seeing God than winning the presidency

The patriot act, the only people that have anything to fear from that are terrorists and criminals and Im neither so If it keeps more people from dying at the hands of those Jawa fuckers Im all for it
Nader has a better chance of seeing God than winning the presidency[/QUOTE]

Yes he does but thats not his fault when he's the underdog in competition with two candidates backed by parties controlled by coperate interest. Nader lacks the finnacial strength to become the president. And if this year it wasin't so crucial to remove W i would be supporting Nader to try and reach his 5% nation wide goal which would qualify him for federal funding if he choses to run in the next election. But this year the vote need's to go to Kerry. Whats not to like about Nader? hes the only canidate in favor of legalizing industrial hemp and Marijuana :headbang:

You say Liberal like its a bad thing :D
As_those_palaces_Burn said:
I have found this information at the home page for Ralph Nader (the only man who i feel really deserves the presidency)

NAder is a looney- and everyone knows it.

Conservatism protecting the saffety of Americans?
hmmm i found that hard to believe when W took one
of the longest vacations of any pressident
in fact him and John Ashcroft were ignoreing
there national security reports in August of 01
or in bush's case simply not reading the reports.

Clinton is historically one of the laziest presidents in history. 3 times he was offered Usama bin Ladens head from Pakistan if Clinton world endorse pakistan into nato. He didn't 7 attacks later and a new president , Bush did.

In response to the patriot act: "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin never saw 2 jumbo jets crash into the world trade center.
Ih he did he would have ran home and hid. And oh yeah, Ben Franklin was our French liasion
As_those_palaces_Burn said:
Whats not to like about Nader? hes the only canidate in favor of legalizing industrial hemp and Marijuana :headbang:

You say Liberal like its a bad thing :D
When you grow up some more you`ll realize there more to this shit than leagalizing weed.
old school headbanger said:
When you grow up some more you`ll realize there more to this shit than leagalizing weed.

I think Legalizing weed is an important issue. It would take away millions from the failed war on drugs which could be better used elsewhere. Nader crazy i dont't think so Billy since before you or me were born he's been working with both democrats and republicans. Thanks to some of his studies we now have many Environmental protection and auto saffety laws in our country's legislation.

You say Liberal like its a bad thing :D
As_those_palaces_Burn said:
I think Legalizing weed is an important issue. It would take away millions from the failed war on drugs which could be better used elsewhere. Nader crazy i dont't think so Billy since before you or me were born he's been working with both democrats and republicans. Thanks to some of his studies we now have many Environmental protection and auto saffety laws in our country's legislation.

You say Liberal like its a bad thing :D

I believe you are right on this . It would save hundreds of millions
and generate billions in tax revenue. So I agree %100 with you.
there are alot of people who have done alot of time in jail because of selling weed, I think thats wrong, especialy since crack and heroin are way more dangerous, I like to smoke weed just as much as anyone else , and Republicans are know for there anti drug beliefs but they are also known for not taking shit from other countrys..............
We all know Nader can't win. Bush is full of shit and so is Kerry. So it's the classic case of voting for the less of two evils. Perhaps I'll throw Nader my vote so in the next election maybee he will have the five percent he needs for federal funding. Either way it going to be either four more years with Kermit the Frog or that other two faced cocksucking muppet. Is it just me or does Kerry remind anyone else here of Fozzy bear?
As_those_palaces_Burn said:
I think Legalizing weed is an important issue.......thanks to some of (Nader's) studies we now have many Environmental protection and auto saffety laws in our country's legislation.

You say Liberal like its a bad thing :D
Obviously you smoke too much of that stupid shit since you apparently are a brain-dead retard. That's just what this country needs is to be flooded with all the more fucking drugs ruining peoples lives.
And Nader's a dumbass. Look at his misinformation on the Corvair. The only thing that shmuck did that was worthwhile was steal votes form that incompetent moron Al Gore. And I'd wager a fairly good bet you admire that loser as well. Do everyone a favor and use your favorite gateway drug to help you step up into crack and heroin and have yourself a nice overdose.
Darth Kur said:
Obviously you smoke too much of that stupid shit since you apparently are a brain-dead retard. That's just what this country needs is to be flooded with all the more fucking drugs ruining peoples lives.

yeah ,weed ruins so many lives,with people smoking it and over dosing on food and shit, or how about the epidemic of people killing each other to get weed, or mabey its people to lazy to kill each other cause there on weed.....................
Ill have to smoke a bowl and think about that........................
Darth Kur said:
Obviously you smoke too much of that stupid shit since you apparently are a brain-dead retard. That's just what this country needs is to be flooded with all the more fucking drugs ruining peoples lives.
And Nader's a dumbass. Look at his misinformation on the Corvair. The only thing that shmuck did that was worthwhile was steal votes form that incompetent moron Al Gore. And I'd wager a fairly good bet you admire that loser as well. Do everyone a favor and use your favorite gateway drug to help you step up into crack and heroin and have yourself a nice overdose.
This is where you and me will part ways...Nader IS a dumbass...BUT, it's dated rhetoric like this (marijuana supposedly being a "gateway" drug, etc.) that is the core reason that people don't like the Republican party. Get with the "now", dipshit. Marijuana doesn't kill, and it doesn't lead to crack or heroin addiction. Crack, Heroin and Cocaine DO kill, and should remain outlawed...but Marijuana has been this country's scapegoat for far too long. For more information, visit the most informed site on the planet...

It isn't filled with propaganda or empty rhetoric...just the facts...
Dr Demented said:
Get any with the "now"...... Marijuana doesn't kill,...just the facts...
I suppose you think you can operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of your "harmless" drug without any impairment? Or perhaps you think it doesn't make one a lot less likely to do anything constructive other than raid the fridge and wax philosophical for hours on end. People have been touting the praises of dope for decades so it's nothing "new". It does indeed make a person more inclined to try other substances..(i.e. "I love this high and people said it was "bad so I'd like to experience other types of high's and see if "they" weren't lying about those as well") Or any other similar scenario. And I'm not just spouting old tired cliché's either. I speak from personal experience. Both with the circumstances of my personal past and with people I've known. Drugs and alcohol ruined and pissed away years of my life. Wasting my "youth" which are supposedly the best years of your life...bah. And I've seen it, and continue, to see it in others.
And I gather you think that alcohol is innocent and harmless as well? Any intoxicant lowers your ability to think rationally and logically. Each and every one are dangerous and detrimental to leading a normal life.
So, I'll pass on your invitation to get with the "now". I care not for in the least what is currently excepted as the norm. Kids speaking in un-educated eubonic gibberish emulating something far below themselves. Rampant violence, drug use and just sheer displays of utter stupidity. Do you like what you see on the TV? Flagrant homosexuality. miscegenation and the high regard of stupidity. I swear that this country is the only one where being a moron is cool and being educated is not. It's all a great plan for our destruction. People don't see it because it's so insidious.
And no, I'm not some x-tian fanatic. I despise religion, with extra emphasis on christianity. They're just another attempt to lower a veil over people minds to turn them into blind obedient sheep.
Anyway, I greatly digress. I'm sure I'm wasting my breath. When your caught up in the fallacy you don't want to hear the truth. For it is a gilded cage.
Let me also add that I'm not trying to demean you nor to insult in any way Dr, even though you resorted to name calling. I'm just trying to offer some assistance. For I was in your mindset previously. I didn't want to hear anything to the contrary when I was there so I can understand where you're coming from. Not that I'm automatically assuming you're a chronic addict and/or alcoholic. I only want people to be aware of the snare that lies before them.
And if you still think I'm full of shit then you have my sympathies.
I mean hell what's the fucking deal with this forum lately??
You just get done running the religious kid off the board and now here's the crusader agaisnt drugs.....Darth, what the fuck is it to you whether someone smokes weed, shoots heroin, hell eats fucking paint chips and runs naked through the streets....HOW DOES THIS AFFECT YOU??

This is a really stupid conversation...You don't do drugs, congratulations neither do I.....Who fucking cares? "Wasting my "youth" which are supposedly the best years of your life". That's just your opinion....nothing more!!

Get your head out of your ass and stop preaching!! people are gonna do what they want (which is their right) Save this shit for when you have kids and want them to follow your example....There's NO REASON for you to be pitching this shit on a Billy Milano forum. I mean damn that type of self gratifying rhetoric which your using to try and sound superior to the group makes me wanna punch the shit out of you.....And I don't even know you.......

Drop the subject.......PLEASE.