George W. Bush Part 2- There are some wussies in this forum

I vowed not to engage in political discussions here out of respect for the band. One thing I noticed though is a lot of people ganging up on bobby. This is the wrong place for this discussion because most people here are not informed enough( ignorant) on the subject. Im staying out of this, but one question to ponder though that might generally help the uninformed is. Are your beliefs based on emotion thereby negating any (reason)able conclusion to an immense problem that could end your very own existence. To bobby, dude it's futile to discuss this here. One might conclude their would be TRUE free thinkers here because of the underground and progressiveness of the band we all love. It looks like their is a high amount of pre-pubescent subjective thought that I find quite limiting and boring.

* Also, those tree-hugging (daddy was a hippie) so am I crowd trashed my vehicle this weekend, injured 25 cops, punched a horse in the face, leaving the east side of manhattan looking like a bomb hit it, without any reporting of this(video) by the mainstream unbiased press. All in the name of peace!! Sounds logical to me.
One thing I noticed though is a lot of people ganging up on bobby. This is the wrong place for this discussion because most people here are not informed enough( ignorant) on the subject.
Here are some fun quotes right from the mouth of the guy you`re defending.

Actually you are shaping up to be a world-class liberal. You have such a firm grasp of the issues - "Gawdamn," "retard," "reamed in the ass," "media-whore hicks," "ass-pumping." How liberal!!!! No facts - all profanity. Now get to bed, that 8 AM class is a tough one.
YOU WERE 5 YEARS OLD WHEN SADDAM INVADED KUWAIT! 5 YEARS OLD! I'm sorry I can't debate you. I'm not into pedophelia. But I guess you're just smarter than Michelle Malkin. She is only the best editorial writer in America. You should be syndicated.
A ELECTION!!! I wonder why we support them? By the way, what is mommy making for dinner tonight? I just loves dem gravy and bizcuts... goez good wit mines chaw.
These people want your zit- covered ass dead. Fucking dead. Why? Because that wonderful book of Islam tells them they should - "kill the infidel." We have given billions upon billions of our tax dollars, my tax dollars, to these people - to no avail. If you don't believe in Allah -you should die. It's that simple with these animals. Fuck Allah and the camel he rode in on.
On a lighter note, prom season is just around the corner. Maybe this year you'll get your first slice of ass. I hear the debate team has some really nice tail. Listen up! If your blessed with some ass, while your doing the deed, just keep your thoughts on that "brutal zionist incursion". That way you'll nut in 4 seconds instead of 2. Now go have mommy tuck you in.
Truth? Truth? You eat the propaganda that your daddy vomits into your mouth, then ask for seconds. He's raising a good communist. I deal with facts son. You with faxcimiles.(Did I spell that right ?? - Might be the good-ole-boy coming out in me.)
Your history lesson? Islam peacefully co-existing with Jews? When MOMO went to the caves to smoke his pot and receive some visions about fucking farm animals, molesting little boys, and kickin it with 72 virgins - It was a direct reaction to the jewish faith.
Originally posted by icedsymphony
I vowed not to engage in political discussions here out of respect for the band. One thing I noticed though is a lot of people ganging up on bobby. This is the wrong place for this discussion because most people here are not informed enough( ignorant) on the subject. Im staying out of this, but one question to ponder though that might generally help the uninformed is. Are your beliefs based on emotion thereby negating any (reason)able conclusion to an immense problem that could end your very own existence. To bobby, dude it's futile to discuss this here. One might conclude their would be TRUE free thinkers here because of the underground and progressiveness of the band we all love. It looks like their is a high amount of pre-pubescent subjective thought that I find quite limiting and boring.

* Also, those tree-hugging (daddy was a hippie) so am I crowd trashed my vehicle this weekend, injured 25 cops, punched a horse in the face, leaving the east side of manhattan looking like a bomb hit it, without any reporting of this(video) by the mainstream unbiased press. All in the name of peace!! Sounds logical to me.

This is the first sensible thing I've read on this forum in god only knows how long.
Originally posted by icedsymphony
I vowed not to engage in political discussions here out of respect for the band. One thing I noticed though is a lot of people ganging up on bobby. This is the wrong place for this discussion because most people here are not informed enough( ignorant) on the subject. Im staying out of this, but one question to ponder though that might generally help the uninformed is. Are your beliefs based on emotion thereby negating any (reason)able conclusion to an immense problem that could end your very own existence. To bobby, dude it's futile to discuss this here. One might conclude their would be TRUE free thinkers here because of the underground and progressiveness of the band we all love. It looks like their is a high amount of pre-pubescent subjective thought that I find quite limiting and boring.

I agree with you that this kind of shit shouldn't be discussed here, but please don't come to us with this kind of shit. From what I read from your post, it seems that you think that the people that don't agree with you are wrong? am I right?. Forgive me if i'm misjudging you (i'm a little busy here, so i'm not paying much attention)
man.... i can see why the original one got locked if this is what it was like. i haven't looked at it for the record. anyhow i would like to say i think it's pointless to go into personal attacks on anyone (even bobby) who disagrees with you politically or otherwise. i am not defending bobby, but no need to call him a dick or anything because that's exactly what you are mad at him for. anyway, also to stay on topic, i think bush is a bastard. I am not going to war under his command for some oil that is apparently rightfully ours even though it's under land somewhere else.... funny how that works. anyway, i disagree with bush, mainly because he is a moron. i have reason to say this, but i am now at the point where i just don't care about anything having to do with him. he can go to hell for all i care.