German Rapper Ripps Off CoB!!!!

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New Metal Member
Nov 5, 2007
As you might have noticed Dimmu Borgir are filing a lawsuite against a german rapper, because of copyright infringement.
Another Rapper called "Chakuza" ripped off a classic by just taking Children Of Decadence and transforming it into a piece of shit. I hope Children of Bodom will not take this and kick his ass...:kickass:
Thank you for telling us this, we might have never known

There should be a sticky saying: We know some german rapper used the intro of Children of decadance in his song..
As you might have noticed Dimmu Borgir are filing a lawsuite against a german rapper, because of copyright infringement.
Another Rapper called "Chakuza" ripped off a classic by just taking Children Of Decadence and transforming it into a piece of shit. I hope Children of Bodom will not take this and kick his ass...:kickass:
fake account
So explain to me again how this is any different than CoB ripping off every classical composer, evar??

I actually think the rap tune is pretty diesel....except for the fact that I can't understand it. Seriously though, I'm all for sampling for use in different genres of long as credit is given where credit is due.
So explain to me again how this is any different than CoB ripping off every classical composer, evar??

I actually think the rap tune is pretty diesel....except for the fact that I can't understand it. Seriously though, I'm all for sampling for use in different genres of long as credit is given where credit is due.

Children of bodom actually arrange the part for themselves and record it, rather then ripping it straight from someone elses song.
Children of bodom actually arrange the part for themselves and record it, rather then ripping it straight from someone elses song.

so.. If this guy arragned stolen music and re-recorded it, there would be no problem?

Lets not also forget the many....many...threads of "OMG COB RIPPED A SONG OFF LISTEN!". All I can remember right now is We're not gonna Fall intro is also some In Flames song intro.
So explain to me again how this is any different than CoB ripping off every classical composer, evar??

I actually think the rap tune is pretty diesel....except for the fact that I can't understand it. Seriously though, I'm all for sampling for use in different genres of long as credit is given where credit is due.

tehre was no credit given etc., it was just ripped.

and the fact i think swabs said, there was no copyrights in the 17th century. do you think mozart's descendants get paid when people play his stuff?
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