German Rapper Ripps Off CoB!!!!

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As you might have noticed Dimmu Borgir are filing a lawsuite against a german rapper, because of copyright infringement.
Another Rapper called "Chakuza" ripped off a classic by just taking Valley of the Damned and transforming it into a piece of shit. I hope DragonForce will not take this and kick his ass...
Legally speaking yes.

after years (about 200?) the copyright is gone.

It's all Snowy's fault.

Finally someone got me!!!
Yeah it's me who recorded that track :rolleyes:

but seriously.. i listened to it for the first time now and it's crap. I don't care if he ripps off Cob.. but the lyrics ..:erk:
''Killamusic ich blaß nen Punker weg weil dieser kranke denkt er sei ein Doom''
(Btw this post is meant for HUMOUR only, if it actually offends anyone I will remove it, I'm not a bigot I'm just poking fun with a little parody)
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