German speakers + Nietzsche fans - Need a translation!


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
I've got a quote from Readings/Writings that I'm trying to find the "auf Deutsch" counterpart for. The quote is:

"To forget one's purpose is the most common form of stupidity."

I don't own the original German text, but I want the German script for a tattoo. So far, the closest thing I can find is:

"Mit Zweckgemäßheit, beweist man den Zweck noch nicht."

Not exactly the same, but the English translation of Nietzsche's work is just that - a translation.

Can anyone tell me if that's the original saying? What I want in the end is something like "To forget one's purpose..." In German, I think it'd be "...beweist man den Zweck noch nicht."

Or am I retarded?
"Das Vergessen der Absichten ist die häufigste Dummheit, die gemacht wird."

That's his original quote.

Dude! Thank you SO much! :rock: I owe you a beer!

DSS3, what drives you to have a tattoo with this text?

I've always been a big fan of his work, particularly Thus Spake Zarathustra and The Gay Science. This quote really resonates with me, and I've been studying German for the last 4 years/lived in SH last summer, so I wanted to get it in it's original script.

That said, and this is 100% biased, I think the it rings a bit better in English. Now it'll be "to forget one's purpose..." vs "das Vergessen der Absichten..."
Whatever you do, make sure you QUADRUPLE check any spelling before it goes onto your skin!!!

I know that you know this and you are the UM's spelling and grammar Nazi, but it can't be said enough.
^+1 to that!!! I know people that have Oriental stuff on there arm and it actually does not mean what they wanted it to mean.
What´s wrong, dude?

the original work is in German (of course), then it got translated to english.....
DSS took the english translation and asked for the original German version...not some next grade translation on top of the first one.

What Abyss said is the original version...the one DSS wants to have tattooed...not a translation of a translation.

your translation isn't "wrong" but it's not the original sentence DSS was asking for
in this case i'm tempted to offer:

Häufig ist es besser Absichten zu vergessen um keine Dummheit zu machen.:Saint:
the original work is in German (of course), then it got translated to english.....
DSS took the english translation and asked for the original German version...not some next grade translation on top of the first one.

What Abyss said is the original version...the one DSS wants to have tattooed...not a translation of a translation.

your translation isn't "wrong" but it's not the original sentence DSS was asking for

Alright accepted, dude :)