German thread

MegustaMucho said:
you guys should be more mature.

both teams played really good, good job Germany and Italy :kickass:

yes but the 2 goals... hahah its just what they deserve for their arrogance dont they?
*Points at location near my avatar* I don't have the german TV :loco:

but I'm sure it was not arrogance, it's just that the germans are proud to be the host of the world cup and of course, they want their team to win.
italy ruled the match.... :p
ball possession: italy 62-38 germany
and yeh... they played both well.. but that 2 goals at the end ruled :rock:
hast angst das die andern des lesn? :D
na wenn ich daheim bin post ich mal ein geiles (mittlerweile verbotenes) lied aus der DDR.. :p