Germany made POLAND apologise for World War II??

I can't talk to my dad about anything because he is totally not into talking about emotions or feelings. of course, he was a professional soldier, ubermacho, and all that shit.

it's not that I want to be


or anything, but it would be nice to know what's going on in that cranium. he's a brilliant man intellectually but there is something really stunted psychologically. which is wierd because he got his degree from Harvard in Psychology.

fortunate = the_preppy
my dad is a construction worker who spent years in vietnam. maybe your dad just needs to drink some scotch and relax a little.
my dad also spent years in vietnam. I think it's impossible for him to relax. it's almost as if it would be taking bits of his flesh with red hot pokers.

illustration of Lizard's dad's rigidity:

(back when my grandmother, his mom, was still alive)

my brother John: "mom, have you ever heard Dad fart?"

my mom: (shakes head in chagrin)"what a topic! but you know what...I don't think I ever have!"

brother matthew: "I sure never have. that's how disciplined he is!"

sister elaine: "grandma, when dad was growing up, did you ever, ever, hear dad fart?"

grandmother burr: "never, in my entire life."
i'm actually still on the phone with my dad. i call him every friday from, 3:15 till 3:45. then he takes a nap. i just told him this kid likes me and his response was 'he's dead'.