Censorship in Poland

hmm, I'd say a coalition like that is doomed to fail... I mean, extreme-right + extreme-left:erk:

but hell... this situation is very, very wrong....
I hope the protests by SDP will have any succes. Which I really doubt, sadly, because I don't think any 'good' changes will be made while that president and that ruling party are in control of the country...

hm, although, I have hope that this can't last very long... since there are so many people not exactly agreeing with the changes. The 'rulers' will háve to give in, in time...
Vincent J. said:
hmm, I'd say a coalition like that is doomed to fail... I mean, extreme-right + extreme-left:erk:

Haha, that's not exactly right, Samoobrona is by no means an extreme-left party. It's kind of difficult to explain, because the ruling Polish parties are nothing like their Western counterparts. The so-called 'right' in Poland is a curious hybrid of convervatism and socialism: they combine strong traditional beliefs (family values, religion, patriotism bordering on nationalism, etc.) with socialist staples such as a strong influence of the state on the market, centralized government, etc. We must be the only country ruled by christian socialists.
The coalition probably is doomed to fail sooner or later (the leaders of LPR and Samoobrona have been reduced to mere pawns and I don't think they like that) but not before it does some serious damage I'm afraid :(

but hell... this situation is very, very wrong....
I hope the protests by SDP will have any succes. Which I really doubt, sadly, because I don't think any 'good' changes will be made while that president and that ruling party are in control of the country...

Not gonna happen, because actually the majority of people in this country agree with what the government is doing. We need at least a few generations to pass before this turns into a 'normal' democratic country, and even then I'm not so sure.

hm, although, I have hope that this can't last very long... since there are so many people not exactly agreeing with the changes. The 'rulers' will háve to give in, in time...

Eh, if there really are so many people who disagree with the policies of the government, why is it then that the ruling party is still leading in the polls? It's not as straightforward as that. I think slightly below 60% of the entitled population voted in the last elections and that has made a big difference, because the electorate of the right is very disciplined ('moherowe berety' ;) ) and those who are disappointed with the government's policies usually can't be bothered to do anything but whine about PiS and maybe emigrate to the UK. At this rate I can see the current state of affairs going on for a long time.
well... i will not say anything more, 'cause almost everything was said....besides it's politic and every one have their own way to understand it.... for me hmm things in the government got in the reeeeaaaly deep shit... i mean, now i just don't care who is who... for me it's like, when i turn on tv and hear some informations about governmet that is doing shit, nothing etc , it drives me crazy{lol fraze like some Britney lyric stuff :P }... at the beggining PiS was nothing to do with Samoobrona and LPR... they won, but they didn't have the most of people in the senate, and the friendly part PO, that wanted a coalition, turned thair back (because they didn't have more than PIS members in senate) and started to do everything that will stop making some progres by the government The REST of shit you can read above (about the next coalitions etc)

I'm sick and tired of doing nothing in the governmant
I'm sick and tired of hearing about all the stiupid argues in the politicy...

about BIS Radio.........yeaa hell of a shame and people who are listening to it should try to do sth if they want to have their real radio back... i'm not a fan of that radio so i won't say anything more, i know only some things not the whole problem

for me life didn't change as much as i could assume reading whole the stuff here :]:)
I think Poland is still a crazy country:kickass: :goggly: ;)

oh and some stuff above (not talking about radio cause as i said i dont know the whole case) should be read with less seriousness :) :rolleyes: ;)
Kevlar PL said:
well... i will not say anything more, 'cause almost everything was said....besides it's politic and every one have their own way to understand it.... for me hmm things in the government got in the reeeeaaaly deep shit... i mean, now i just don't care who is who... for me it's like, when i turn on tv and hear some informations about governmet that is doing shit, nothing etc , it drives me crazy{lol fraze like some Britney lyric stuff :P }... at the beggining PiS was nothing to do with Samoobrona and LPR... they won, but they didn't have the most of people in the senate, and the friendly part PO, that wanted a coalition, turned thair back (because they didn't have more than PIS members in senate) and started to do everything that will stop making some progres by the government The REST of shit you can read above (about the next coalitions etc)

I'm sick and tired of doing nothing in the governmant
I'm sick and tired of hearing about all the stiupid argues in the politicy...

about BIS Radio.........yeaa hell of a shame and people who are listening to it should try to do sth if they want to have their real radio back... i'm not a fan of that radio so i won't say anything more, i know only some things not the whole problem

for me life didn't change as much as i could assume reading whole the stuff here :]:)
I think Poland is still a crazy country:kickass: :goggly: ;)

oh and some stuff above (not talking about radio cause as i said i dont know the whole case) should be read with less seriousness :) :rolleyes: ;)

why shouldn't it be taken seriously??
this is a damn serious situation :|