To those who care please help out !!!

Well, I didn’t expect to see a thread like that on the official Opeth forum, but after Hunter Fest nothing seems to surprise me :/.
Poland seems to be a country, where downright irrational decisions are made much too often, and most people here unfortunately learned to live with it, therefore it's good to hear that there are still people like Sylwia, who don’t get discouraged and seek support. On the other hand, I wonder how many of those who signed the petition, did actually cast their vote when they had their chance to select a political party which would do less harm than the Kaczyński brothers. I really feel sorry for you *SIL, but Radio BIS is not the first radio station who suffered a fate like that, and I’m afraid it’s not gonna be the last. A bunch of morons are running our country, but lets hope it will change soon. Keep fighting.
AI said:
Well, I didn’t expect to see a thread like that on the official Opeth forum, but after Hunter Fest nothing seems to surprise me :/.
Poland seems to be a country, where downright irrational decisions are made much too often, and most people here unfortunately learned to live with it, therefore it's good to hear that there are still people like Sylwia, who don’t get discouraged and seek support. On the other hand, I wonder how many of those who signed the petition, did actually cast their vote when they had their chance to select a political party which would do less harm than the Kaczyński brothers. I really feel sorry for you *SIL, but Radio BIS is not the first radio station who suffered a fate like that, and I’m afraid it’s not gonna be the last. A bunch of morons are running our country, but lets hope it will change soon. Keep fighting.

Hell yeah, I will fight ;-)
Not only that but from what I've heard those fucktards from PiS also took out the Black Metal Festival in Warsaw because of 'anti-christianic themes in lyrics'...

'Way to go, fags!' :erk:
:Wreath: said:
Not only that but from what I've heard those fucktards from PiS also took out the Black Metal Festival in Warsaw because of 'anti-christianic themes in lyrics'...

'Way to go, fags!' :erk:

Yes, they did ...

I am afraid that this is just the beginning of
all this radical policy.
We should watch ourselves cos' You never
know when somebody assumes that You're
anti-christian, nonxenophobic, nonfascist,
gay ...

It is getting only worse, as it wasn't before :(
^ yeah I'm afraid so... right now I'm kind of comforting myself with the thought that after the next elections everything will get back to normal but then againg, judging from the polls, it may not be that easy...
:Wreath: said:
^ yeah I'm afraid so... right now I'm kind of comforting myself with the thought that after the next elections everything will get back to normal but then againg, judging from the polls, it may not be that easy...
oh yes, cos' all those young ppl
who did not care to move their
asses to go and vote for someone
"normal", finally got to know
that this is not freaking game - politics
and that it is important who's on the top

the sad thing is that next elections
are in 3 yrs !
imagine how much they can ruin in
3 yrs, it's a lot of time, indeed

plus, I would not be that sure that
this will get normal
I do observe much, thus far I noticed
that young conservaties admire all this
xenophobic motives

until last goings-on I was rather
anti-politics, although I voted in
each elections (I find it hypocritical
not to vote, and then complain);

now I will not shut while I feel
the rope thightens around my neck,

I tell You with no anger, this is just the
beginning of all bad things PiS along
with LPR are going to do in Poland

but some of us do not care, it's wrong !
cos' later it can be too late for anything;
we have to talk about it, before some
minds will be formatted
*SIL said:
oh yes, cos' all those young ppl
who did not care to move their
asses to go and vote for someone
"normal", finally got to know
that this is not freaking game - politics
and that it is important who's on the top

the sad thing is that next elections
are in 3 yrs !
imagine how much they can ruin in
3 yrs, it's a lot of time, indeed

plus, I would not be that sure that
this will get normal
I do observe much, thus far I noticed
that young conservaties admire all this
xenophobic motives

until last goings-on I was rather
anti-politics, although I voted in
each elections (I find it hypocritical
not to vote, and then complain);

now I will not shut while I feel
the rope thightens around my neck,

I tell You with no anger, this is just the
beginning of all bad things PiS along
with LPR are going to do in Poland

but some of us do not care, it's wrong !
cos' later it can be too late for anything;
we have to talk about it, before some
minds will be formatted

Well, sadly I'm afraid 'someone normal' you mentioned doesn't exist on our political scene... :erk: I voted for SLD in the last elections but only because it was the least great evil. The reason PiS cannot be stopped is because there's no alternative... PO dissappeared completely and they still seem to be offended by the fact they haven't won, SLD struggles for integrity, PD stands no chances in any elections... PiS promises mountains of gold and gets away with it, attaining power over all step by step. But don't worry, I'm not going to shut my mouth when the day comes to speak up...
:Wreath: said:
Well, sadly I'm afraid 'someone normal' you mentioned doesn't exist on our political scene... :erk: I voted for SLD in the last elections but only because it was the least great evil. The reason PiS cannot be stopped is because there's no alternative... PO dissappeared completely and they still seem to be offended by the fact they haven't won, SLD struggles for integrity, PD stands no chances in any elections... PiS promises mountains of gold and gets away with it, attaining power over all step by step. But don't worry, I'm not going to shut my mouth when the day comes to speak up...
I agree with You, someone "normal"
is far beyond Polish possibilities.
However, we have to turn up ourselves
in this reality and speak loudly when
one is trying to shut our mouth.