To those who care please help out !!!


Aug 9, 2006

My name is Sylvia. I am 26-year-old woman living in Poland, Bialystok. I'm one of many protesting against sick and definitely not normal situation in our country. It's a reason of me writing to You on behalf of many more.
Since there has been a new president in Poland: Lech Kaczynski, former member of PiS (ruling conservative party now being in coalition with LPR-hard right nationalist and Samoobrona-hard left), many radical changes have been made in Poland. Those changes stroke among other things into BIS Polish Radio BIS Polish Radio which until 11th of July was known as radio promoting free speech. The hosts of shows did not avoid controversial subjects, such as the rights of homosexuals or religious and political issues. The music played could be described as "everything but mainstream", and this included vast range of music beginning from industrial electronic music and ending on dark and religiously controversial genres of metal music . Wide discussions on music played have been an inherent part of the shows; oftenguests from
various music bands were invited. Most people hosting shows have been fired so far. Starting from 12th of August the music will be played using a randomized computer system. The interaction of the listeners with hosts (if any are left; as new names of those leaving or being fired appear on a daily basis) will be limited or gone.. Person responsible for those changes is new director of BIS: Jacek Sobala. The very first thing that he did was taking off air "Masala" (from Hindi, meaning "mixture" and relating to variety of music taken from different regions). It was a regular show hosted by Mr. Max Cegielski, a well-known traveller. His guests were to be members of an officially acting Polish organization "Nigdy Więcej" ("Never Again", enforcing anti-racism campaigns and reporting cases of racial or xenophobia-based assaults in Poland Never Again ). That was precisely the topic of the show - "Fighting against fascism in Poland".
The headline, posted on official website of Radio BIS, stated:
"Since 1990, there have been reported forty victims of xenophobia-based aggression. We are concerned whether these shocking data will be included in he patriotic education classes enforced by Roman Giertych [head of LPR and Polish Ministry of Education, as well as a founder and an honour council of MW. Moreover, the fascists, inciting to violence, are often closely connected with LPR and MW]. Therefore, the killers have some support in Polish Government, as well as the senators, the clerks and the ministers originating from those organizations are accomplice in deaths of innocent people."
Mr. Cegielski was asked to change the topic; his refusal to do so provoked the new director to fire him. Mr. Sobala announced: "In the public Radio there is no place for advocating such theses. I proposed Mr. Cegielski to find a radio station where he can promote such views." [Mr. Sobala's statement given to the Polish newspapers]

Why am I writing all this to You?
All authorities in Poland are unity now. They will speak one voice and they will not support us, the listeners and publicists of Radio BIS. Neither the President, nor the Ministry of Culture or the National Radio Broadcasting and Television Council will do this. International organizations, which - as you have bravely shown so far - are not reluctant for ANY abuse of media freedom, are our last chance.
We have set up a webpage where artists, organizations and individuals can put their links on a support list. The webpage in its old appearance can be found at BIS Forever

We ask for Your support and understanding throughout signing these petitions.

This would mean a lot to us!

Once again, please suuport us. Your voice is important in our case, just as it has been so far in many similar ones.

Hmmm.... the Opeth forum...

Dark and religiously controversial genres of metal music?

Try the Burzum forum maybe?
Opeth used to be played before, not any more now.
What I meant is all hard music is gone: metal, punk,
HC and so an so...:(
It has obviously been controversial to
new director, that's who we're fighting with.
It's hard to find any other music than mainstream on Dutch radio. This is because of the people, not because of the government, so it's actualy worse in the Netherlands.
Its a shame. But you were lucky Opeth was played at all.
We've never had that here at all.

So lets all welcome the digital age of online radio, play what you like, when you like with no restrictions and a worldwide audience. Can't be bad.
You don't need to be Polish, signing
this petition is a huge support to us !

Thx in advance ;-)

As to online's radios, I agree, I've already
been listening to chronix, very nice one.

But... What we're fighting for is freedom of
speech; we protest against ruining cultural
heritage that this radio brought; protest against
every single person that has been fired because
they did not suite politically.

This is sad, this is not normal !!!
After all we're in UE, aren't we..

Mentally most of Polish politics are not.
*SIL said:
But... What we're fighting for is freedom of

Luckily you don't have to fight at all on the internet (unless it tickles your fancy). I voted but I think the link between the government and the Opeth forum is more than tenuous.

Hope it helps anyway
Opeth forum and my presence here are strongly
motivated with former broadcast called "MOCNE NOCNE"
(eng.: "Hard at night") that has been dedicated to all
sorts of hard music. It was on air at night (0.00 - 6.00),
collected special community, who got to know each other,
became friends, met, fall in love..
As changes began, music profile has been formated.
The broadcast does not exist anymore in it's old
What I am trying to say to You is that, You cannot
just throw away all You loved in that Radio; shut
presenter's mouth for telling the truth
because government wants it and many people
do not agree with such policy. I hope You will
understand it and support us.

Afterall, hope dies on the end.
We fight the best way we can, by this petition, we
inform every media, we write letters where we say
about our dissapiontment, organize concerts (one so far).
We cannot do nothing.

And thank You for every vote ;-)
NineFeetUnderground said:
they should quit anyway. horrible band tbph

Well I enjoy them. They are not exactly the best in the world but I like their songs and at least the think about their lyrics rather than some death metal bands. By the way what does "tbhp" mean?