To those who care, please help out !

Justin S. said:
Speed and Cythraul,

I will try to briefly clarify my statements on freedom. They are certainly not derived from Nietzschean ideas of "will to power", and generally speaking, I dislike him specifically for his "haughtiness". My curt manner is not an arrogant boasting, but more like crabbiness (with a weary smile of course ;)) due to the difficulties of making oneself understood.

My statement, "Its quite laughable to talk about "freedom" in any era, but especially so in ours" is sweeping, and requires the reader to infer a lot, probably too much. I followed with another statement that, while still very broad, makes several important distinctions, "for one to suppose that the categorical concept "freedom" is meaningful or is an actual condition is to ignore states of being." This says that we are talking about freedom, not vaguely, or it as such, but the categorical condition that is the common understanding (to be "free", in opposition to not-free, obligated, controlled, mitigated, oppressed, bound, etc.). It says that this understanding ignores all states of being, the many simultaneous states and conditions of our existence.

I must say what I mean by "freedom". In this thread, Im responding to this word in terms of its most popular and potent use (its effect), not by what I think of it, nor Plato, nor Kant or Heidegger. The word-concept "freedom" has incredibly powerful social/psychological effects that steam from very shoddy metaphysics, not the elaborations of careful thinkers.

Free-dom, the state of "free", the absence of restraint (possibly necessity), the availability and exercise of choice and independence, freedom from some controlling force, freedom to exercise will in some manner. This concept is pure fantasy when understood categorically (I would argue that this is now entrenched in the very construction of the word).

It thinks not of "thrown-ness", the condition of existence we all in each case find ourselves. It disregards our being-in-the-world, that we are assailed by presence, and do not choose how something can come to exist (the enabling condition of being), it is oblivious to historicity, that we are a lineage of genetics and acculturation, we are born into a family, community, society, hierarchy with endless restrictions, rules, policies, and conditions that determine our existence, a language that structures and sets limits to thought and conceptualization. Freedom clings to linear causality, a reductionist method that seeks to tear states of affairs from their context to "simplify matters" and affirm the fleeting power of human will. This, and so much more that I cannot list, is what the category "freedom" passes over and obliterates once set as a foundation for a metaphysical system.

A much more rigorous idea is that of our "free play", the room for our engagement within the conditions of our existence.

I had an inkling you had something like this in mind; i just wanted you to say it (as I enjoy your philosophical comprehension), instead of coming across as a pompous jerk who was dismissing and bitching without any real reason. In fact, I think this calls for a new thread--the Freedom thread.

I'd like to talk about this statement below, here, or in a seperate thread (which it deserves and demands):

Justin S. said:
Freedom clings to linear causality, a reductionist method that seeks to tear states of affairs from their context to "simplify matters" and affirm the fleeting power of human will. This, and so much more that I cannot list, is what the category "freedom" passes over and obliterates once set as a foundation for a metaphysical system.
*SIL said:
"Since 1990, there have been reported forty victims of xenophobia-based aggression. We are concerned whether these shocking data will be included in he patriotic education classes enforced by Roman Giertych [head of LPR and Polish Ministry of Education, as well as a founder and an honour council of MW. Moreover, the fascists, inciting to violence, are often closely connected with LPR and MW]. Therefore, the killers have some support in Polish Government, as well as the senators, the clerks and
the ministers originating from those organizations are accomplice in deaths of innocent people."

Maybe you should make sure your people want multiculturalism before forcing it upon them. How else are they supposed to resist you?
*SIL said:
Isn't it enough to make coalision with LPR ?
(The Polish Families League) - strong
right-wing-oriented party, whose members have been reported giving
statements of xenophobic, anti-European, racist and anti-Jewish sound, and
have never apologized for that. Some, including the vice - head of Polish TV
Piotr Farfał, are former or active members of MW (Młodzież Wszechpolska,
which may be translated as Omnipolish Youth). MW is a youth section of LPR;
the name is a tribute to a similar organization that existed in the 1930's
and is known for its strong anti-Jewish propaganda. The present MW does not
deny a certain resemblance of its structure and methods of upbringing its
members to the infamous Hitlerjugend. Its members have been numerously
reported to participate in xenophobic and fascist actions including
demonstrations during which violence was used, attacks on the members of
left-wing organizations (a few murders are still being investigated), publishing
xenophobic, racist, fascist and Nazi propaganda in underground magazines.
The official website of MW there is a description of organization doctrine that contains numerous quotes from propaganda speeches of Adolph Hitler, used in exactly the same context as in their "ancestor's" originals.
LPR suggests to tight-en law and introduce death penalty for
perpetrators of crime commited with special brutality against
sexual motives on under age of 15 years old victims.

PiS is cautious. I will not fail to let you know about
their , let's call this, "black side".
That really is pretty fucked up. As Norsemaiden said, aren't Commie and Fascist groups illegal in Poland? Yet this group openly admits to modeling themselves after the Hitler Administration. Now I'm not too enlightened on the way that governments other than the US's works, because that's not what they care about in US High Schools, but wouldn't the Polish government have done something about this?
Ptah Khnemu said:
That really is pretty fucked up. As Norsemaiden said, aren't Commie and Fascist groups illegal in Poland? Yet this group openly admits to modeling themselves after the Hitler Administration. Now I'm not too enlightened on the way that governments other than the US's works, because that's not what they care about in US High Schools, but wouldn't the Polish government have done something about this?

They oficially are illegal as our constitution states,
but due to the fact what is really going on in Poland,
here You have Your answer to what Polish
government is doing about this ..
Political movements brought us to this situation,
we have to speak about cenzorship in order
not to be absorbed by politicians.

Yet, after being liberated from comunism,
democracy started to be formed. Firstly right-winged
felt upon its weight. It appeared that being under
force, means to to abuse it. There was born
this famous sentence: "Teraz kurwa My" those days.
(eng. "Now us, fuck!" ) which is alive until now though.
Lately left-winged felt down due to coruption, affairs.
What we have now is a sad cause of political fight.