Germany: "Ordinary gun control isn't good enough... we must ban the paintball too!"

i despise guns, i think they're fucking disgusting, evil creations
just my opinion
and the fact you can buy assault rifles in walmart over there in the US and shit sickens me
i can appreciate maybe a rifle for defending your property, and even thats pushing it for me, pistol at the most, but assault rifles? fuck off. Just fuck off.


Paintball?!?! it's just a game man, what the fuck? shit doesnt need to banned D:

Easy, tiger. Current anti-gun political definitions aside, an assault rifle to me is an automatic weapon, and really has no place in the hands of your average joe. That's a tricky proposition for me, too, though...
Every Wal Mart that I've ever been in has sold small gauge shotguns and semi-automatic rifles. NOT "assault weapons" if you ask me.
LOL @ me.

and the fact you can buy assault rifles in walmart over there in the US and shit sickens me

If you're going to so blatantly disregard the truce called in this thread from gun debates, at least don't be so completely separated from reality. Do you really think we walk up to the cashier and hear "Milk, rubbers, duct tape, fake jewelry... want an AR-15 with that?"

Easy, tiger. Current anti-gun political definitions aside, an assault rifle to me is an automatic weapon, and really has no place in the hands of your average joe. That's a tricky proposition for me, too, though...
Every Wal Mart that I've ever been in has sold small gauge shotguns and semi-automatic rifles. NOT "assault weapons" if you ask me.

yeah i havent been to wal-mart, being a brit and all, so i havent seen for myself
but basically my point was "I HAET GUNZ" whether it was assault weapons at wal mart or not haha
and that was just supporting the fact that paintball isnt really that bad or anything.
i hate guns yet love paintball
If you're going to so blatantly disregard the truce called in this thread from gun debates, at least don't be so completely separated from reality. Do you really think we walk up to the cashier and hear "Milk, rubbers, duct tape, fake jewelry... want an AR-15 with that?"


i didnt read the rest of the thread before posting, apolagies
and of course not, my silly little rant was just to support my point that paintball and "real" guns are different issues.
I'm playing paintball like every month and there is no problem taking people under 18 with me. BS. and to be honest: I really appreciate german laws about gun-ownership. eeing a pussy or not. I don't care.
I'm playing paintball like every month and there is no problem taking people under 18 with me. BS. and to be honest: I really appreciate german laws about gun-ownership. eeing a pussy or not. I don't care.

Yeah, I feel the same!

It's just the typical fake pre-election actionism going on... lots of hot air. It's more than likely this will pass without taking form (just like the ever recycled claim for an all-out ban on 18+ games)... It's always the same. So hypocritical.
Yeah, I feel the same!

It's just the typical fake pre-election actionism going on... lots of hot air. It's more than likely this will pass without taking form (just like the ever recycled claim for an all-out ban on 18+ games)... It's always the same. So hypocritical.


yupp, it's just this onesided pseudo-way of thinking, as if it would change a damn thing but patronize a whole generation of sportsmen.

I'm all against guns but this is just a crackpot provision :Smug:
hate guns, love guns... who cares? i carry one concealed when i want to, legally. i took a class, got checked by the FBI, and have a permit. i don't expect anyone else to feel the same as me or want to do the same as me... but paintball guns??? that's ri-dong-culous.

just this past week in US news, a man pulled out his legal concealed handgun during a business-invasion in which the bad guys were separating the women from the men... and sexually assauling the women. he shot and killed one of the bad guys, causing the other to run away, and that one was captured outside by police. no women were ultimately harmed thanks to the shooter. gun laws would not have stopped those bad guys.... but a gun did.

airsoft guns, wtf?? watch out Germany.... they'll be taking your kitchen knives next.