Germany: "Ordinary gun control isn't good enough... we must ban the paintball too!"

Eddie Izzard is british... And Germany killed way more people with the guillotine than France...
i wasn't addressing the message, i was addressing the messenger. Anyway, France guillotined the bigger fish... or did your ancestors all just "mangent de la brioche"?

the point, should i really need to spell it out, is that in addition to self-protection, sometimes rebellion is justified, and necessary.... and history bears this out. not looking for it to happen, nor do i think it's necessary now or in the foreseeable future. but i will defend the right of future generations to have the means to make that call... regardless of the odds against them. bad odds are no reason to give up a good cause. it's 99% likely that it will never be necessary, 90% likely as well that none of us will ever have our homes invaded. but it's 100% certain that if you do not take the steps to protect yourself against even such minor possibilities, that should they actually occur, you will have no choices.

again, it's a choice... one that LAW ABIDING persons should be free to make. who are you to insinuate that i should not have the right to protect my family?
Okay, good for you... I wasn't arguing your right to do so, I wasn't even arguing the gun issue, I was just quoting a comedian. I think this thread needed some comedy, cause let's face it, no political issue is going to be settled on Andy Sneap's forum... As for my ancestors, almost none of them are french...

who are you insinuate that i should not have the right to protect my family?

I'm ol' greeeeegg !!

Maybe you weren't talking to me personally, but I don't think anyone was trying to tell you that you don't have the right to protect your family... Own a gun, hell, own an entire arsenal for all I care, it's up to you...
the point, should i really need to spell it out, is that in addition to self-protection, sometimes rebellion is justified, and necessary....

James, you sure you got checked by the FBI?

Long haired metalhead who feels rebellion may be justified, you better watch what you say man, they'll be a knockin' on your door with the patriot act tomorrow. :loco:
actually it's a very American thing to say... since it's how our country was born to start with... anyway, i added enough disclaimers in my statement to show i don't think we need one now or the foreseeable future... not even in my lifetime i should think.
i've said this before, i'll say it again... i wish all guns (and missiles and bombs and tanks and.....) would disappear from the face of the earth today....

This is really the only sentiment I disagree with... when people do actually live in peace, I hope it's out of respect and not inability. It's a far more powerful display of decency to have people who can kill but don't than to have people who don't kill because they can't.

Ahh, A Clockwork Orange... you start watching for the sex, violence, and funny slang, but you stay for the brilliant commentary on the nature of morality.

This is really the only sentiment I disagree with... when people do actually live in peace, I hope it's out of respect and not inability. It's a far more powerful display of decency to have people who can kill but don't than to have people who don't kill because they can't.

Ahh, A Clockwork Orange... you start watching for the sex, violence, and funny slang, but you stay for the brilliant commentary on the nature of morality.


Well I don't see where you disagree? You're just completing the thought James had in mind if I may assume he did mean quite that.
I don't mean respect as in 'you're not an asshole', I mean respect as in 'I'm not going to fuck with your rights'.

Earlier, I was just saying that I *don't* wish guns and bombs and tanks were nonexistent. I don't think he disagrees with anything else, but I still value weaponry for many other reasons (amusement being a big one) and I wouldn't say that I wish they were gone.

This is so not going to happen...

But the thought alone makes me cringe... and I don't even like paintball to begin with. I don't know what pisses me more off, the proposed infringement of constitutional rights and freedoms or the obvious shallow horses-for-causes hypocrisy standing behind this.