Get into London Astoria under 18?


Apr 20, 2002
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Me and a friend are hoping to buy tickets and go to the In Flames gig this Sunday (a bit last minute I know).

The problem is I'm not sure whether we will get in as I seem to remember that you must be 18 to get into the Astoria.

I'm 15 and about 5'10. Male.
She's 16, nearly 17 but short. 5'2-4-ish(?)

Do you think we would get in?

There's been a major cock-up over this and it looks like the gig hasn't been upgraded to the Astoria after all - therefore its at the mean fiddler and its Sold Out. I'm not sure but I thought it was an all ages show.

Why do people leave it so late to book tickets?
Oh dear :(

The reason I left it so late is because I had no one to go with until now. In fact I now have no one to go with again but I was going to meet up with someone.

I really wanted to go. :(