Get Out Your Grammar Books!


Under The Dark Moon
May 1, 2001
Back in the Hellhole called Texas.
Is anyone else having a hard time getting into "By The Pain I See In Others"? I'm having a hell of a time, and right now I can pretty much say I just don't like it. I'm not too keen on the weird vocals at the beginning and the three ring circus about half way through it is just...weird. And to top it off it has all the space at the end of the track for the extra noises and backwards vocals.

Oh yeah, and if you're wondering about the title of this post, it's because he says "we've always knew", which should be either "we've always known" or "we always knew". Something to add to "scythe" (although I actually didn't know that one myself until I read it on here). :p
HAHA.. I noticed the grammar error as well. But who cares.. If I tried singing in swedish I would fuck it up totally. Probably bc I dont know one single word. But I do like that song. I'd say its my #3 favorite off the album. I think the wierd vocal effect is cool and I really like the circusy part in the middle. And that heavy ass riff at the end is awesome. To each his own though...
I noticed it as well. Since he's not a native English speaker, it doesn't bother me. If he was, then it would be inexcusable. As far as the weird vocals at the beginning, I LOVE them! I've been wanting to hear growls over acoustic guitars for a long time now. And the 'circusy part' in the middle, well... I love that as well. It sounds so twisted. I have to admit, I was disappointed in the way the song ends (not the backwards vocals, just the way the main song ends... oh well). But Deliverance is still an awesome CD, even with its little quirks. I think Mikael's English has improved. For one thing, I haven't seen any Swenglisms (as I call them) like, 'The cold season drift over the land...' on the new one (don't get me wrong about the example I used; MAYH has my absolute favorite lyrics by them). But anyway, back to the music...