Get Ready to Rock update


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Dear all, Many thanks for your continued support and we are pleased toannounce that Get Ready To Rock! has now passed over 5m hits since launchingin Jan 2003. Last year alone we had over 3.4m hits with current most viewedpages including interviews with Jordan Rudess, Nightwish, Ritchie Blackmore,Micky Moody, John McManus (ex-Mama's Boys) & Steve Conte (ex-Company ofWolves). The album/DVD/gig reviews go from strength to strength (respectedblues fan Pete Feenstra recently started reviewing for us and we are alwayson the look out for reviewers) and the Power Quest MP3 has now topped 5,000downloads. Of the competitions the recent signed Pink Floyd book bought inover 2,500 entries and as ever we are always keen for more!Thanks again & best wishes,