get this...


Master Exploder
I answered an add for a "Rhythym guitarist wanted to join thrash metal band" in my local area, and this is the email I got back after asking what sort of shit they are into:

Hey Jordan, I'm Scott. I'm the manager of 'Heretic', we play Thrash metal i.e. Slipknot, System Of A Down all that sort of shit..

I'll Hear From You Soon.

:eek: :cry: :confused: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
Hey Jordan, I'm Scott. I'm the manager of 'Heretic', we play Thrash metal i.e. Slipknot, System Of A Down all that sort of shit..

The "shit" part of that statement should be emphasised accordingly. Seriously, I have never heard anyone refer to Slipknot or SOAD as 'thrash metal' before! Maybe you should go to the audition and play some thrash riffs. A little Testament, Exodus, Slayer, early Metallica. If they ask what you're doing, say (in a loud voice) "I'm playing THRASH, stupid!" then trash their gear and walk out.
Hahaha. Dumbass :)
I didn't notice the thrash metal part first time I read it, it was that `I'll hear from you soon' that caught my eye. Haha! Fool!
On this topic...

There are 2 guys interested in starting a glam metal band with me.... BUT.... one is early 30s and one is 25, and I am 19. Also, one lives in St. Albans (North West suburns), one lives in Ringwood (far East suburbs), and I live in East Bentleigh (south east). So we are all ages away from each other.

I don't think it would work out lol.

The singer apparently looks and sounds like Sebastian though.