Get well, Michael Hakansson!

Originally posted by Saxiquine
Hey Marlies!!!

You´re welcome to come and wreck our new computer whenever you like!!!
hehehehehe =)

Woaahhh really?? :spin: But... there's gotta be a catch.
You're gonna lock me up and tie me to the bed and get your whips out and slice me in pieces and feed me to the bats.... :eek:
I think I better stay away from Göteborg for a while to be sure :lol:

Check out my band, it´s rocknroll, but maybe you´ll like it!

Viper Trail rocks! :rock: When are you gonna tour Holland, Lotta.... errrr Candice? :grin:
Originally posted by Saxiquine

Marlies... what do you think of me? *laugh*

Ehhh I'll keep those whips in the closet and you can feel safe.
But it would be nicer to have you and Nice here without crashing the computer anyways =)

I'll try to be good next time :blush:
At least if Micke is too :heh: