Getting a 'distant' guitar sound


Oct 26, 2009
So lately I've been working with some death metal bands. In my mixing stage, I'm really trying to acquire the same sort of feel that is given for the latest Whit Chapel album, along with the the new Job for a Cowboy album.. I know they were both done by Jason Suecof..

Basically What I'm trying to get at is the way he blends his guitar/bass together.. They sound very distant, but still in your face... I don't know if that makes any sense to you, but basically the guitars in the albums sound ridiculously huge, almost as though they cover the entire stereo spectrum.. Do you know if these albums were dual/quad tracked?

Any info on acquire this sort of sound would be excellent!

sound example, I automated the gain on the 3.5khz

edit: you do realize that in your face and distant are opposites?
Also, distant sounds generally have less high-frequency content, as well as containing elements of whatever space (real or virtual) they are being presented in. Attenuating some of the high end in your guitars could help create this effect.