Getting a good guitar tone with an effects pedal.


Aug 2, 2009
Fort Worth, Texas
OK so before everybody has a good laugh, here is my situation. I have a Digitech GNX effects module that I can run straight into my computer. I have a very humble home studio setup and do not have the ability to actually mic my amp and record that way. I am trying to get as close to a live sound as possible, I have tried running my effects unit in conjunction with various impulses and cabinet sims and I've not really been satisfied with the results, any hints tips and advice will be greatly appreciated. I am just now really diving into the world of audio engineering (and more specifically home-recording) So I will be seeking more advice and submitting my recording for critique. I am a novice so please be gentle :headbang::headbang:
I'd say ditch the Digi and get some of LePous free plugins.....throw a donation if you will! I've tried demo version of Revalver and at first thought it was great but once I started playing with some of the the LePou amp sims and some of the awesome impulses provided by the great members of this forum, I never looked back.
Definitely try the free sims as Bryan mentioned. The Digi won't even come close. I used to have one of the fancy Zoom effects floorboards (almost 10 years go) when I first started and thought it sounded amazing plugged directly into my computer. Now that I go way back and listen, I realize it's complete shit. You'll get much better results with the free stuff floating around and a cab/impulse loader.
That's interesting, I actually HAVE downloaded quite a bit of what you're talking about Amp Sims, Impulses etc. I've gotten a good sound out of the sims and impulses as well as the Digitech. Just trying to figure out how to make each of them sound as close to a live amp as possible (then I can decide which one I would prefer for my recording purposes.) Trying to get as close to a pro sound as possible on a very limited income. Guess I'm wondering what processes would suit each application the best (aside from the obvious dual-quad tracking methods) Looking to accomplish a nice full guitar tone for some fairly brutal death metal (I want thickness and definition) I do appreciate the suggestions btw.
Sorry man but it's going to be nearly impossible for you to even approach a pro sounding tone with that pedal; even a live tone will be a challenge. Live tone pretty much = speaker-air movement in front of a mic.

If you go the sim route, it'll take a while to learn the ropes.

Honestly it's not worth the trouble and time, just spend a little money and save yourself the headache. You'll be much happier with the result.
Sorry man but it's going to be nearly impossible for you to even approach a pro sounding tone with that pedal; even a live tone will be a challenge. Live tone pretty much = speaker-air movement in front of a mic.

If you go the sim route, it'll take a while to learn the ropes.

Honestly it's not worth the trouble and time, just spend a little money and save yourself the headache. You'll be much happier with the result.

I would be more than happy to be able to mic up my amp and just go that route but at this point in time I am between jobs (was let go from my job yesterday after nearly 10 years) So pretty much ALL of my money is going to be going towards making sure I am able to keep my bills, rent and car payments up to date until I'm able to find something else. I know getting a "pro" sound out of a pedal or amp sim is close to impossible, but I've heard some material done in that fashion that sounded like it had the quality I'm looking for so i don't think all hope is lost
I would be more than happy to be able to mic up my amp and just go that route but at this point in time I am between jobs (was let go from my job yesterday after nearly 10 years) So pretty much ALL of my money is going to be going towards making sure I am able to keep my bills, rent and car payments up to date until I'm able to find something else. I know getting a "pro" sound out of a pedal or amp sim is close to impossible, but I've heard some material done in that fashion that sounded like it had the quality I'm looking for so i don't think all hope is lost

you can get great tones from free ampsims, but it won´t be instant, you gotta work it out a bit. 0 money needed, just time, patience and dedication. You should go that route while you´re peniless to do anything else
you can get great tones from free ampsims, but it won´t be instant, you gotta work it out a bit. 0 money needed, just time, patience and dedication. You should go that route while you´re peniless to do anything else
Definitely good advice, I'm exploring different option with Amp sim/impulse combos, Digital effects processor/implulse combos etc. I'm sure I'll be able to find something that will suit my needs, just put this thread up in case anyone else might have had advice/techniques that I hadn't previously thought of or utilised.
One thing that does bother me is the latency and it gets worse with load when using Amp sims and impulses to track.

I use a Digitech GSP1101 or an RP500 to track, but I still take a DI. Then I run it through Amp Sims in the mixing stage. Even though I can get pretty good tone with the processors directly. I almost always can crush it with Amp Sims.

But that honestly may be more of a workflow thing too. Some brief experimenting with the GSP and impulses gave some pretty awesome results, but the workflow is a bit of a mess. 3 signals per track (DI, GSP speaker sim on, GSP speaker sim off) or reamping in real time, yuck.

The GNX series I remember being pretty decent, especially if you get the Supermodels pack online. The tweakability is nearly endless and the Supermodels guys spent a lot of time messing with the parameters to match amps.

So I would track with it and use your interfaces internal mixer for zero-latency. Then use the amp sims on the DI signal during mixing.
I have actually gotten pretty good tones from distortion/modeling effects pedals given the right pre/post EQ and a good cab impulse. It depends greatly on the distortion the pedal has to offer though. Why don't you post a dry (un EQ'd and un-simulated sample) of the pedal directly into your DAW for download so we can see if the tone is workable.
aortizjr said:
One thing that does bother me is the latency and it gets worse with load when using Amp sims and impulses to track.

I use a Digitech GSP1101 or an RP500 to track, but I still take a DI. Then I run it through Amp Sims in the mixing stage. Even though I can get pretty good tone with the processors directly. I almost always can crush it with Amp Sims.

But that honestly may be more of a workflow thing too. Some brief experimenting with the GSP and impulses gave some pretty awesome results, but the workflow is a bit of a mess. 3 signals per track (DI, GSP speaker sim on, GSP speaker sim off) or reamping in real time, yuck.

The GNX series I remember being pretty decent, especially if you get the Supermodels pack online. The tweakability is nearly endless and the Supermodels guys spent a lot of time messing with the parameters to match amps.

So I would track with it and use your interfaces internal mixer for zero-latency. Then use the amp sims on the DI signal during mixing.

I do the same thing with my pod xt live, I record a DI while listening to the POD tone, so there's no latency cause I'm hearing the tone straight from the pod without touching the DAW, but I actually record the DI only, no pod in the DAW. Then depending on the case I use ampsims, or send it to be reamped with real stuff
I have actually gotten pretty good tones from distortion/modeling effects pedals given the right pre/post EQ and a good cab impulse. It depends greatly on the distortion the pedal has to offer though. Why don't you post a dry (un EQ'd and un-simulated sample) of the pedal directly into your DAW for download so we can see if the tone is workable.

After all the replies I'm suddenly a bit more optimistic about my chances of getting a decent guitar sound. When I get a chance I'll record something from the effects unit and post it here. Once again to all who have thrown in their 2 cents, I do appreciate the advice.