Recording guitars with Effects

yea it is, on one set of guitars :) What do you think of the guitars in general? They sound thin to me, how would you recommend I thicken them up more?
They don't sound that tightly but they sound OK.

If I where you:
1) I would change the bass tone to give a more compressed sound to the song
2) I would probably layer another set of guitars an octave lower played tightly to thicken them up.
recording with effect pedals generally sounds more awesome, I really like the shoegaze and 'true' vibe it gives. make sure delays are in sync if using such pedals. and if you want a guitar that has been recorded with a verb pedal to sound more 'in place' mixwise you can always send a tad of it to the main verb FX bus. it'll add some additional space to the sound, so don't record RV-5's with 10 second verbs haha.

as for mixing, I'd just pan them hard left right and make sure they are equally loud and don't have any freq spikes, atleast for verses. for larger parts, choruses and hooks, you can quadtrack and pan them something like 100-100 and 80-80 LR.