Getting a new firewire interface (OS: windows)!

Sep 18, 2008
Should get one soon. What says the ultimate metal jury? :)

I'm more interested in the converters and preamps rather than million inputs and outputs. --> apogee duet type of solution.

I have m-audios profire 2626 back at rehearsal space in live use and I dig it and first thought about just buying the 610 version to studio but I could go bit more "high end" this time. Budget somewhere around 1000e (about 1390 dollars) I've also been thinking about buying pres, converters and clock separately but it has always seemed so messy and expensive even to think about it. Would you recommend this type of setup for a small project studio?

So.... what are you guys using and recommeding? I'd love to use the apogee stuff but I don't see myself jumping to mac world just yet, even thou I use macbook with bootcamp.

Thanks for any opinions and info!!!!! :worship: