Getting a new head - need advice


God can gtfo
Aug 15, 2009
So, not having very much experience with different amps I need some help in figuring out what is going to deliver the sort of tones that I like.

This head is going to be going through a Vader 2x12 fwiw.
And at low(-ish) volumes.

It's probably easiest if I just give you examples the sort of tones that I would like to be able to achieve. (I do know they aren't all necessarily similar)

Hate Eternal - Conquering The Throne/Phoenix Amongst The Ashes
Suffocation - Despise The Sun
Decrepit Birth - Diminishing Between Worlds
Carcass - Necroticism: Descanting The Insalubrious
Nile - In Their Darkest Shrines/Annihilation Of The Wicked

I guess I'm not looking for something ultra modern sounding.
But still something that has plenty of gain.
I was thinking of getting an Engl of some sort (possibly a Powerball II or E530) but am not too sure after listening to some records with them, their high ends always seem a little irritating to my ears.
I have warmed to the idea of possibly getting a JCM800.

Like I say though, I have little experience with different amps, so am basing my opinions on recordings.
Terrence of Suffo was using a Fireball when I saw them last year with The Faceless. Not a fan of that amp personally and I think Terrence could make a crate practice amp sound just as heavy.

XXX or Savage gets my vote. Recto would too, but I know they're ridiculous expensive over there.
A Peavey JSX get you a super modern sounding amp with great cleans. Works great for both rythm and solo.
If you want to buy an Engl go for the Savage. Really nice modern, german sounding amp haha if that makes any sense :p
Cheers guys.

Would those of you with experience of either of them, say that the jcm800 or the Dual Rec were particularly tricky amps?
And also, does anyone know what the consensus on the new mini rec is? Because as has already been said, Dual Recs are expensive as fuck over here whereas Marshalls are pretty fucking cheap in comparison.
800 Is easier to dial in than a recto id say. Ps I know someone selling a dual. Where are you based?
Well, to save alot of money I would search for a used Ampeg Vh-140C.

Iconic death metal amp that everyone used to use.

If your looking to drop a little more and go a little nicer the Fireball 100 should do you well.

However, I ask this because you said not much exp with different amps. Does it have to be that specific tone? There are so many high end badass unique sounding amps out there these days.
If Engl I would test out the Blackmore, nice cleans and very nice dist-sounds. Not the gainyest Engl but with a TS(which I would always use) you're set.
Savage is nice too, but more expensive and I don't know if you're playing alot live and use all 4 chans?!(Blacki has also 4 channels(gain staging) if I remember correct...)
800 Is easier to dial in than a recto id say. Ps I know someone selling a dual. Where are you based?

London, I probably won't be bying for a month or so, but I'll keep that in mind for when I get around to it, cheers ;)

Also, I would buy any VH140 instantly, the trouble is they are also very rare in the UK, in fact I've never even seen one for sale.
London, I probably won't be bying for a month or so, but I'll keep that in mind for when I get around to it, cheers ;)

Also, I would buy any VH140 instantly, the trouble is they are also very rare in the UK, in fact I've never even seen one for sale.

good point, I know of one here in the US. Not sure if he will ship but its a good price.

I also second the Engl Blackmore, I have heard some very nice clips of that amp

on a side note, its completely different than what you asked for but I love my VHT so much I will never get rid of it. So brutal yet unique.
Of the SS amps I like the VS8100 over the VH140 for death metal, it has slightly more gain and a tighter low end. I have both as well as the RG100ES. I really like the 2203KK, but its better suited to thrashier stuff than DM. Go for the Mesa, you'll be able to make your money back if it's not what you're looking for.
imho you should try the Marshall JVM410, you're able to get pretty brutal sounds out of it and still
have the marshall sound and you can also recreate some nice old school death metal sounds with
a mt2 in front of it.
The Engl Blackmore is pretty cool but not sure if it suits you're sound preferences, not the biggest
fan of the powerball, the savage is awesome.

And get yourself a Marshall Valvestate, they're really cheap (bought mine for 120€, a friend of mine
got his for 90€) and with a boost in front you're able to get some nice old school dm sounds out of
The reason I was leaning towards an 800 rather than any other Marshall is mainly because of the latest Hate Eternal, according to Rutan it's just a plain un-modded 800.
The Engl Blackmore is pretty cool but not sure if it suits you're sound preferences, not the biggest
fan of the powerball, the savage is awesome.

I'd say that Blackmore is closer to the Savage than to the Powerball sound-wise. I don't know why I did not include Blackmore in my recommendations, I used to own one and switched to Savage 60 because I didn't like fiddling with the master volume between 2 and 3 (anything beyond is way too loud both in rehearsal room and in small- and mid-sized clubs). And by the way, Savage 60 and Blackmore are sooo similar you wouldn't believe, Savage being just a bit less nasal and a bit more aggressive.