Kempers in the Mail! Need some advice on sick tones...

I have to agree with jeffTD. At first hearing the metal pack, I thought they would be great in a mix, but after double and quad tracking with them, they are incredibly phasey(...)

I am not sure if that's your case, but, when using the same DI with different amps in order to blend them, you get phase problems due to internal latency gets adjusted randomly.

If you want to have constant latency output to avoid this problem, follow these steps:

Go to Output/Master menu, last page. Press soft button 4. It will light up. No message on the display.
Now the profiler is on constant latency. Stays there until you press that button again.

Background: the profiler adapts to the lowest latency possible. That is individual per rig. This will create latencies around 3 ms. When you light up that button, you will get a higher but constant latency of about 4.9 ms.

For more info, see this thread in the Kemper forums:
Double/quad tracking doesn't necessarily mean he's using two amps with one DI; I actually heavily doubt that's the case in this instance.

Really cool that KPA put that feature in though, will definitely keep in mind for future layering!
I am not sure if that's your case, but, when using the same DI with different amps in order to blend them, you get phase problems due to internal latency gets adjusted randomly.

If you want to have constant latency output to avoid this problem, follow these steps:

For more info, see this thread in the Kemper forums:

See JeffTD's response just below yours, this is not the case, I do the "regular" reamping, as per JeffTD's response below, so this was definitely not the cause of the phase issues. It's grossly apparent after listening to them, and hearing "properly micd" profiles.
Some of them are great, most of them are bad IMO. The best TAF amps are the 6505 package you can buy alone (avoid the metal producers pack like the plague) and the ones that are free from Kemper as a factory bundle.
Bought the metal pack. What a waste of money. I cried blood.:yell:
I thought the Krank and JSX weren't too bad.... but all in all I was a little bummed out on it.
Their individual packs are super cheap so yea.

Just wanted to say I was flipping through profiles last night, checked out some of that metal pack a bit more. Then I happened on Lasse's "just for fun" Line 6 profile. It was better than TAF ones.... If that tells you anything...

Can't wait for his real amps!
Agreed. Wish he'd just stick with a 57 though :bah:

100 percent agree. I'm no expert, but his micing techniques are soooo far off for metal style recorded guitar tones. He's got some of the best mic preamps in the world, just spend some serious time getting sweet spots with a 57 and maybe like a 421, or 609 or somethin, and call it a day. None of this 2 57s, a 414, rear micing with a 121 crap. No one in metal does that, and for good reason. Sorry for being so blunt, but it's just the way it is.
I concur.
Most of the variations are stuff I don't/won't use.

I'm sure he wants to give ~the consumer~ variations, but I end up keeping 1 or 2 out of any given amp.
Well the Kemper is in and I'm super pumped but after reading the manual this baby is everything my 11R wanted to be. Just wondering what most of you guys are running this guy in a XLR/spdif? I'm thinking of setting this guy for re-amping is Spdif out 1/4inch in. My apogee Spdif out is going to my Dbox so can't do much.
For what it's worth in regards to the poster above me, I personally think the s/pdif is quite overrated, I honestly wouldn't stress about it verses using the direct out for reamping. I know for a fact the boys at Audiohammer for example, don't event use it, they use the regular direct out when reamping. In fact, the spdif doesn't even work on mark Lewis's Kemper, seems to be doing just fine without it. Just something to keep in mind.
So after more digging turns out in order to use the SPDIF I need to have my sessions at 44.1k??? I am most of the time in 48k. Is there a way around this or now I have to live with working at 44.1
SPDIF whenever possible. 44.1 only, it's what you should probably be working at anyways. I absolutely love reamping through SPDIF and not having to leave the digital world or pull out a reamp box.
SPDIF whenever possible. 44.1 only, it's what you should probably be working at anyways. I absolutely love reamping through SPDIF and not having to leave the digital world or pull out a reamp box.

Yeah in order to use SPDIF in ill need to disconnect the spdif cable from my D-Box into the Kemper and so on, unless there's a way to split the signal which I doubt or buy another module from Apogee and that's still cost stupid alot. But I'm really digging this bad boy.