Getting a yellow labrador puppy

I just got him. Anna couldn't wait until next week so we took him home tonight. Tomorrow I'm going to get all his supplies. Cats are curious and wary, but harmless. Banjo doesn't even care...he wants to cuddle with him.

Just gave him a bath and he's all nice and clean and tuckered out. Found out why he wasn't pedigreed...about half a centimeter overbite. THAT'S IT. Ironically, he was the most beautiful of the litter.





NAP TIME! (With Banjo standing guard)


*sigh* I love puppies! The cute! The cuddly! He looks awesome, DW! Thank you for posting the pictars!!! :D
I just got him. Anna couldn't wait until next week so we took him home tonight. Tomorrow I'm going to get all his supplies. Cats are curious and wary, but harmless. Banjo doesn't even care...he wants to cuddle with him.

Just gave him a bath and he's all nice and clean and tuckered out. Found out why he wasn't pedigreed...about half a centimeter overbite. THAT'S IT. Ironically, he was the most beautiful of the litter.





NAP TIME! (With Banjo standing guard)


He is beautiful!!!!! Awww, you gotta show the kitties loving all over him for the first time! heheh, although, mine would not be happy like Banjo.
He's actually quite well-behaved. Whines a little bit, but that's to be expected after coming to a strange place. He's a piss and shit machine, but he's only 2 months old and I'm starting to housebreak him now. Saw him earlier today trying to piss on the floor, yelled NO and immediately rushed downstairs and out the door for him to finish, which I praised him when he did it outside. He just loves people and seems to want to make you happy and be around you all the time.

He sure is rambunctious though. Nothing like hearing a puppy yelp "PLAY WITH ME!!!" at 4 am.

Gave him his dose of Frontline today because he had some fleas when we got him. Overall a really happy pup that can't get enough of my cat Banjo. They've been playing with each other all day long...Banjo is the biggest and youngest of our cats and just overpowers the others and needed a challenge. It's really funny to see them play chase; Banjo runs just fast enough to be out of his reach then jumps on the stone wall outside. Mardy looks up at him and lets out a disgruntled "EEERRRRRRUUUULLLLLLLL"
What a beautiful black lab! My grandparents had a black lab that lived to be like 18 years was amazing. His name was Barney and was the sweetest dog I've ever seen.
I don't usually post here, but I work in a pet store, so I just have a couple of pointers that might help

Gave him his dose of Frontline today because he had some fleas when we got him.

Was it the spray or the ampules? You probably know this already since you have cats, but ampules work better, but usually for puppies under 10 weeks or so the spray is preferred (though maybe the stuff you have there is different, so read the instructions/warnings - VERY IMPORTANT!). Also, though this may be too late, you should wait two days between the bath and the treatment (before and after), otherwise it can lose some of it's effectiveness. And, after a while the Frontline doesn't seem to work, you should try Advantage ampules by Bayer, if you can get your hands on it, since it's stronger and the same price (at least, here it is).

Finally, from what I know, treats are a big deal when training your dog, especially potty training, so you should stock up on those. When he does something right, encourage him and give him a snack, even if it's something small, so long as it's yummy. When he does something wrong, be stern and loud as possible, since thats how he knows that you're the boss.
A lot of the times he may may take a dump somewhere, and you only find out later, and he will probably be confused if you just start yelling, so try as much as you can to "catch him in the act". And while doing this you should take him out every few hours and when he shits/pees properly, reward him (I don't know if he's going out yet or not though, if he doesn't have all the vaccinations).

Don't know how much I helped, but I hope I did. I'm not too good on this side of the whole business, but if you have questions on products and so on I can be more usefull.