Do you have a puppy?


Why yes, I do hate you
Jan 15, 2003
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Because I have a puppy. He's 6 months old as of Saturday...or Friday. Idn't he perty? (he had an infection from the anasthesia from when he was neutered against my wishes in that shot, it's cleard up now)

Anyway, I have a puppy and his name is Pestilence, or Pest for short or GODDAMNFUCKINGDOG for long and I can not get him to stop nipping. A friend of mine who has raised puppies told me the best thing to do is "When they bite, scream like another puppy would, then refuse to play with him for at least ten minutes". Pestilence refuses to be denied however, if you try to ignore him for ten minutes he will climb his (right big) ass right up on the chair with you.

He gets off on tug of war, growling and barring his teeth in an all out attempt to win, but when he's done with that it's right back to jumping on you and then the nipping begins. And he seems to like to chew my face. In the words of the late great Rodney Dangerfield, "What a dog I got, his favorite bone is in my arm."

So, anyway, got a puppy? Did he nip? How did you put a stop to it?
Sounds like a typical puppy to me. I've had many dogs in my day and all of them could be annoying little bastards when they're pups. Some breeds are worse about it then others but if you keep scolding him for it and make sure he knows who's the boss he'll mellow out as he gets a little older. If you decide to get him fixed that also USUALLY calms them down quite a bit.
Actually I work with 160 dogs and pups. For future referance wait till he's at least nine months old to be neuterd. When he bites bite him back.
yeah ive heard the biting back thing works. and then i saw something on TV about the not playing with them if they bite. It's not realy the screaming like a puppy. They just need a sound that they can associate with the biting. SO if you yell "OW" and then stop playing they'll start to get the idea and ten eventually when they bite you again after you've been doing that awhile "OW" will get them to stop biting. But yeah he's also a puppy. I know you may not want two puppies but alot of times the best thing is to have two dogs and then they play with eachother and stop attacking you.
My Dor is 7, so no puppy but I looked at some when I was at Animal control on Satruday. My wife and kids wanted and got two kittens. Man I'm going to need another dog.
I didn't want to have him fixed at all. I would never do that to another dude without his express written permission. It's a city rule when you adopt.
Dogs are cool. I got two. Theres nothing wrong with getting a dog neuterd. Dogs have better long term health if you get them fixed, and when its that time of year it gets to be a pain in the ass even more so if they are not fixed.
One of my dogs was ghewing on the leg of the chair in the kitchen then I put tabasco all over it...
it sounds bad but the good old rolled up newspaper seems to scare the shiyt outta dogs,hit him with that whenevr he bites and he will learn very quickly what he is doing wrong,also pet experts ay that the person that disciplines the pet the most gets the most attention from there pet
Ragamuffin said:
I didn't want to have him fixed at all. I would never do that to another dude without his express written permission. It's a city rule when you adopt.
I feal the same way about this. My dog will be one at the end of this month. He also did the nip thing. This my sound cruel, but this is what I did to break him of nipping. Take an object such as rolled up news paper, magazine or whatever you chose. Show it to him and hit him with it. Hit but not to hard, don't have to beat him. You don't want to hit him with your hand because he will become afraid of you. If you use an object, he will become afraid of the object and not you. In time( Short Time In My Case) when he dose that, or anything else he should not do, Show him the paper. I believe that should do the trick. I no longer have to use it. He knows better now. When he sees the paper he knows its time to calm down, and stop whatever he is doing wrong. Its up to you if you want to use this form of discipline. It worked in my case.
i have 2 dogs. one is about a year and half and the other is over 4. the youngest we used the rolled up newspaper thing and made sure to have plenty of chew toys for her so she wouldn't chew as much of our stuff. inevitably she did get ahold of a few of our posessions. it goes with the territory. she's prety much broken of it now except for one thing. she will go in my trash in the bathroom and chew my disposable razors after i shave. i have no idea why. it's amazing she doesn't cut herself. we had our oldest dog fixed when he was about a year old. he's a wimpy lap dog anyway, so it didn't hurt anything. our female we got from the humane society and they require you to bring them back a few weeks after adoption and they are fixed. it's included in the fee you pay at adoption time which is only $100.
My pup is only 7 weeks old so I got many puppy issues to deal with. He knows NO so Im not doing anything else to correct him for now, when he gets older he's getting a pinch collar for corrections and training, possibly an electric collar for training only. Currently working on crate training him.

Australian Sheppard/Husky mix.