O/T Do you Work with a Smelly Person??


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
So I am at work, A City job..... I work with 2 people yes 2 people who smell..... BAD.Like Death........ A 62 year old man who smells like Old Clothes.... Body Odor.... And the nastiest breath.... I think he must take 1 shower a week. If you stand to close your eyes start to BURN...... and a lady about 50ish... who wears the Same pants ever day...... and the shirts she wears are a 2xxl size and she a Medium at most. She has the Old clothes and i have been told she only washer her hair ever 4 days..... Sorry but i don't leave the House with out taking a shower.... I can't stand working with these people but since its the City there's nothing one can do..... Once somebody left a Bar of Soap on the guys desk...... Being his Supervisor i had to council him...... he went home and asked his wife if he smelled..... Well HELLO..... She must smell the same as he does..... NASTY.. Now i need to council the women but i dodged a bullett on this one it a women so i don't have to .... the HR guy does.....

So anybody eles have this problem?????????
You are not alone. There is this one guy where I work who got told to go home and take a shower he stunk so bad. I work in a factory and it gets pretty damn hot in there during the summer. He's also good for wearing the same cloths all week. At least the job he's doing now he doesn't get to leave the plant and force his smell on others we do business with.
OMG! I woman used to work in my office that smelled like the worst BO! The women's bathroom is really small and her stench would remain for about 30 min. after her departure. A cloud would waft after her wherever she went. Thank God she was in a different department and only had the occational disturbance. It was that terrible nervous BO! UGH! All the empathy in the world for you guys!
There used to be a hippie girl in my college class who stunk like an ass. She probably didn´t use soap because of animal rights or whatever.
Yeah, there used to be a guy at my office who stunk sooooo bad. He'd wear the same wool sweater every day (in the summer) and much like Skorned's case, he left a trail of funk. You could tell where he'd been 10 minutes after he'd been there. The man smeled like a marinated goat.

In the end, it got so bad the boss called me and another guy in and said: "okay, someone has to tell him but I don't want to have to be the one...... so, us three will draw straws and the loser has to tell him. As a consolation, whoever has to do the dirty will get this bottle of whiskey i have"....... Stupid idea....

Boss lost, "won" his own bottle of whiskey, told Goat Boy, Goat Boy was mortified (ever seen a 50 year old man crying?), the sweater dissapeared, the funk didn't....
Let's see...

A large man I work with smells horrible. BO and bad breath. He quit for a while and I was relieved, but then he came back. When my manager started in our department, he commented that something in the office smelled horrible. I pointed out to him what it was, but nothing ever came of it.

A really old man who was also a racist and a mysoginist (hope I spelled that right) smelled bad. The supervisor had to talk to him. I don't remember if that worked. He got fired twice.

An old lady I work with is very nice to everyone, but so freakin' annoying. She also has a smell that you know she is in the office once you walk in, before hearing her or seeing her. We just have one little bathroom everyone uses, and she leaves her smell in there for a while after she goes in there. (And she sings to herself while she pisses, which she has to do frequently for medical reasons.)

I work with a girl who never uses soap, but I only noticed her smell once.
I am pretty lucky, everyone in my office as far as I know bathes regularly either that they use really good B.O.derant. No stinky people here:Spin: However, my oldest brother's friends that he hangs out with DO NOT shower at all. The really gross thing is these guys have total moss mouth, don't shave, take showers or anything like that and yet they always hook up with some good looking women:confused: I never got the whole no showering thing. If I go 1 day w/o showering I feel absoutely nasty. Aside from that showers wake me up better then coffee does. In the summer time I usually take 2 showers a day depending on how hot it is outside.
We have a janitor at work who is Hindu. I swear to you he smells of ass and feet as the day is long. When confronted by the brass about his stench he replied that it was part of his religious freedom.

I work w/ 2 other Hindus (who smell of a spring breeze, I might add) and they say, "No. He just isn't liking to put soap to water.":lol:

So, we just transfered him to overnight shift. :D
Hey Justin, maybe that dude was trying to smell like the animals at the zoo !!!

I know a dude that stinks like hell. And he wonders why he gets no woman. His breath is so fucking bad. I once gave him a ride and the moment we got in the car, he filled up the place with shit breath. I was thinking to myself "holy fuck this dude needs to see a dentist real bad". I opened the windows and that helped. I figured I'd rather freeze my ass off then smell shit the whole way.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
I am pretty lucky, everyone in my office as far as I know bathes regularly either that they use really good B.O.derant. No stinky people here:Spin: However, my oldest brother's friends that he hangs out with DO NOT shower at all. The really gross thing is these guys have total moss mouth, don't shave, take showers or anything like that and yet they always hook up with some good looking women:confused: I never got the whole no showering thing. If I go 1 day w/o showering I feel absoutely nasty. Aside from that showers wake me up better then coffee does. In the summer time I usually take 2 showers a day depending on how hot it is outside.

How can anyone NEVER shower???? :yow:
Well, I guess I am exaggerating a bit on that but I know for a fact that these guys do go about 2 weeks at a time without showering and my brother says they rarely brush their teeth which is very evident by seeing their teeth. Just some serious dirtbags these guys are. I honestly don't know how my brother hangs out them. When you first stand near them you are like this:yow: and shortly after you wanna :puke: God I love these emoticons:yow:
I work with 160 bithces (literally) and almost of them smell that bad. Except for one. She's an artists, she like to paint the walls of her kennel with her own fecal matter.. Unless you live in as third world country or dont have a shower there is no excuse for stinking everyday of your life.
I work for Nordstrom now so I don't have to deal with that problem anymore cause everyone smell like designer perfume and cologne. However at my old job I used to work with these two ethopian guys who fucking reaked like hell. You think not showering is bad these dudes smelled like they didn't wipe their ass. Also they were chain smokers so they had that nasty tar breath and they ate alot of chicken that got stuck in their teeth and smelled rotten.My dog has better breath then these guys. To make it worse we worked in a wharehouse and it used to get really hot in there during the summer and the BO got so bad I used to just keep my distance or hide in my office. When they left the room it took alot longer then 30 minutes for it to go away it would stay overnight.
I used to work for HQ (a hardware joint that has since gone out of business) back in my college days and there was this older dude (guessing mid 50s) that used to stink like fucking shit. If you got on the same forklift he was using earlier that day you could still smell his stench on it. It got so bad we used to have to spray the thing down with Lysol before we used it or else you just simply couldn't stand it. He was a good worker and all but he ended up getting fired for his hygene issues.
I grew up on a farm and can honestly say that livestock(even after being dead & in the sun for days) couldn't hold a candle to that dude as far as stench goes.
I used to work with a fat lady that must've only showered on the weekend. Monday was okay around her but by Tuesday it was rank.

My Bro in Law has forgotten the shower too. The sedan we have smells like him from by wife dragging him to the store with her.

Luckily no real reaky people around me but sometimes women's cologne gets to me when it's over done.
No smelly people, but at an old job we did have someone we dubbed "The Phantom Splatterer." Every once in a while we'd walk into a stall and there would be shit all over the toilet. There was an English guy that would always say, "the splah-er-er" has struck again. We never found out who it was. Then again, that's not the type of research project any of us cared to undertake.
When I was in colleage we had a guy with VERY BAD BREATH, if you sat next to him sometimes you´d think he´d died and started rotting. But I don´t think it was something consious from his side. He had a lot of acne and he smelled a bit like sulfur so my guess is that something was wrong with his digestivesystem. He was an ok guy personallitywise but he filled up our section´s partion of the harddrive with his pornmovies. I still remeber they day when thay asked "whoever responsible for the collecton of pornography, please remove it." over the speakers and everyone looked at him.