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Kids' bodies found in washer, dryer
Jim Suhr
Associated Press
Sept. 25, 2006 12:00 AM

EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. - A woman accused of killing a pregnant woman and her fetus told police she drowned the woman's three young children and stuffed them into a washer and dryer at their apartment, an official said Sunday.

Preliminary autopsies on the dead children Sunday appear to show they were drowned, Ace Hart, a deputy St. Clair County coroner, told the Associated Press.

As of Sunday, Tiffany Hall, 24, had not been charged in the children's deaths, but prosecutors on Saturday accused Hall of killing their mother, Jimella Tunstall, 23, and her fetus. The fetus had been cut from her womb, authorities said.

According to Sunday's autopsies, there were no signs of physical abuse or trauma on the children - ages 7, 2, and 1 - and toxicology tests were pending "to see if they were poisoned or possibly drugged," Hart said.

"They were not drowned there in the wash machine," Hart stressed.

On Sunday, the community turned to prayer to understand the slayings at a service for the slain family.

"This is an opportunity for people to turn to God," said Debra Kenton, a member of the New Life Community Church. "Who else can explain things like this?"

Authorities suspect that Tunstall was slain on or about Sept. 15.

That day, Hall summoned police to a park, saying she had given birth to a stillborn child, Hart said. She was arrested after she told her boyfriend during the baby's funeral that the baby wasn't his and that she had killed the mother to get it, authorities said.

Tunstall's body was found Thursday, and authorities began a furious search for her children. Police said the children were last seen with Hall on Monday.

Authorities had visited Tunstall's apartment Friday but noticed nothing amiss while looking for photographs of the children for media outlets to publicize in their search, Hart said.

Hall told police where the bodies were and told police she drowned the children, Hart said. He said he understood why investigators may have overlooked the children during their previous trip to the apartment. "Who would be looking in the washer and dryer?"

By Saturday night, Hart said, "you could find them by the smell."

The oldest, 7-year-old DeMond Tunstall, was found in the dryer and the younger two children - 2-year-old Ivan Tunstall-Collins and 1-year-old Jinela Tunstall - in the washer. Two of the children were found nude, the third wearing only underpants, Hart said.

Hall remained jailed Sunday on $5 million bond, charged with first-degree murder in Tunstall's death and with intentional homicide of an unborn child.

Meanwhile, stuffed animals continued to mount outside Tunstall's apartment, its door crisscrossed with white evidence tape. There was a white teddy bear and a stuffed race car with DeMond's name.

An autopsy showed that Jimella Tunstall bled to death after sustaining an abdominal wound caused by a sharp object, believed to be scissors, Hart has said. Authorities believe her womb was cut open after she was knocked unconscious.

Relatives say Tunstall grew up with Hall and had let her baby-sit her children.

Hall has two children of her own. Illinois State Police Capt. Craig Koehler said they are "safe and sound."

Hall likely will be arraigned today on the two charges, each carrying a prison sentence of 20 to 60 years or life, prosecutors said. The murder count could be punishable by the death penalty.

DNA tests should determine definitively whether the baby was the one Tunstall was carrying, Hart said.

That is such a sad story. It really makes you wonder what goes through a person's mind that they could kill so many people just to pretend that they gave birth to a baby that wasn't their's. Don't they realize that they will be caught? I hope she pays a heavy price for her crime. Bitch.
if proven gulity they should walk her out of the court room, on to the front steps of the courthouse and put a gun to the back of her head right in front of the news cameras as a deterent. the jails are overcrowded with these assholes and i'd like more of my tax money to go to schools and other worthy programs.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
"This is an opportunity for people to turn to God," said Debra Kenton, a member of the New Life Community Church. "Who else can explain things like this?"
And exactly how did God explain what happened? I'd love to know:rolleyes:

My humble, mortal guess? Crazy bitch.:Smug:
..And the fucking community turned to prayer...

Ha, Yeah thats the first thing i thought too.

She must have been posessed by the devil or something.
Sick fucks like this are everywhere I'm afraid. Just a month or so ago there was a local couple that left a 3-year-old bound and gagged in a closet for 3 days while they were out of town. The temps were in the 90's and of course he was dead when they returned. They then burned the kids body and reported him missing. They even publicaly begged for whoever kidnapped their kid to please return them and organized a big search party for him...sick fucking bastards. Human waste like that aren't even worth wasting a bullet on. They should be used to feed the lions or something at the local zoo.
House of Seance said:
yep this story was all over the news, I live just outside east St. Louis

There were residents bitching on my news last night how there's a guy in the park grabbing women and "molesting" them (which to me sounds a lot better than rape) and the police weren't telling anyone it was a "serial attacker". At least he's not out there butchering pregnant women and their children.

And this retard called the cops on herself. Hopefully she'll stay locked up and spare the rest of the world from having to deal with her again.
We have all kind of problems in my surrounding area. Here are some of them
Family killed their child and had my community searching for the boy for many months until they finally snapped and confessed. Sad story

Here is a link to more of the reports on this case.

Then there are these psychos. Patrick Selepak, a parolee who should not have been released, but somehow was, went on a murder spree. He kidnapped a married couple and severely tortured them. The wife was pregnant and after being tortured for some hours, both were then injected with bleach to kill her and her husband. Well, that didn't kill them right away, so they tortured them some more and then Patrick choked them to death. After that they went to the bar, drank a lot, befriended some guy who let them crash at his house. He caught wind of them(Patrick and his girlfriend) being fugitives and as he was running to his car to contact the police, he got a shotgun blast to the face. I used to live about 5 miles from there when I was growing up. We live in a really fucked up world:erk: .