O/T Fucked off again, this time for real... relationships suck ass


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
Yesterday I was told my gf, whose pics I recently posted, had fallen in for another guy, who happened to be my "friend", so that's the definite end. I got smashed as hell last night, many beers and hard liquor shots with my friend, today I'm gonna continue!
It just can't suck more ass, can it. I don't fuckin' understand 'em. She told me she couldn't help herself, it was stronger than her, you know the usual crap, blablabla, okay, so fuck off.
I had introduced that guy to her, btw.
That sucks ass, man. You'll find another, probably when you're not looking...

Also, I don't know if anyone else noticed this, or if I'm reading too much into it... But have you ever noticed when a dude dumps a girl, he's being a "horrible fucking pig asshole, who's stringing the nice girl on," and when a girl dumps a dude, she's "not robbing herself of her feelings," or some bullshit like that? What the fuck?

Just another tangent, I suppose...
I feel youre pain!!!!!!!But.........look at the bright side, if she has more feelings for someone else , she's not miss right for you , look forward for other girls, don't rush it ,have fun and enjoy life there's more ............

Btw Annekke (the Gathering) is still single!!!!!
She aint the one for you. If she already fucked your friend he is not your buddy he is your enemy. Kick him in the fuckin balls and bust a bottle over his x head when he's down. Then spit in her face. Afterwards go pic yourself up a copy of White trash anthem by Blood for Blood. Listen to the song So common so cheap a few times, drink a little more beer and go find yoursellf a real women. One with class!

" Love, its over rated, you get the same feeling from eating to much chocolate" Al Pachino
That sucks, johnnie.
Women are all fucked in the head. (Well, most of them.)
I had a "friend" that started fucking my girlfriend right after we broke up. I still don't talk to him, and that happened 6 years ago.

Whatever you do, don't go kicking anyone's ass. It aint worth it. Just blow them off. You can survive without them. It just takes time.
I don't want to sound all cheesey (too late!) but when this shit happens, it's like a wound. It takes time to heal.
And, like Sgt.D posted, you'll find someone better when you aren't looking...
ThraxDude said:
That sucks, johnnie.
Women are all fucked in the head. (Well, most of them.)
I had a "friend" that started fucking my girlfriend right after we broke up. I still don't talk to him, and that happened 6 years ago.

Whatever you do, don't go kicking anyone's ass. It aint worth it. Just blow them off. You can survive without them. It just takes time.
I don't want to sound all cheesey (too late!) but when this shit happens, it's like a wound. It takes time to heal.
And, like Sgt.D posted, you'll find someone better when you aren't looking...
OR just bang hookers!
Sorry Johnny! Women: We can't live with them and we can't live without them or something like that... Forget her man..there are plenty of fish in the sea, just gotta use the right bait.
mentalmeltdown said:
there are plenty of fish in the sea, just gotta use the right bait.

More like, "There are plenty of fish in the sea, just gotta wait for them to get a divorce..."
dutchy said:
I feel youre pain!!!!!!!But.........look at the bright side, if she has more feelings for someone else , she's not miss right for you , look forward for other girls, don't rush it ,have fun and enjoy life there's more ............

Btw Annekke (the Gathering) is still single!!!!!

Is she? :Smug: