O/T: I fell off the wagon!!


But I only had 3 beers, and said, "nah, I'll take a water." I wasn't even gonna drink, but my "on again, off again" relationship w/ this girl was pissing me off. I wasn't at the bar because I was sad, I was looking for her drunk ass. It is a shame to see the way this girl lives. She is beautiful, fun, and smart. But rather than have a "normal" relationship, she'd like to just set in the bars and go out back and get high. It sounds like I'm the chick in this relationship:lol: Usually, the female wonders where the guy is!!! Anyway, all is fine if the date involves going to her favorite bar (a yuppie hang out that sucks) or going back to her place to drink scotch. But anytime something important comes up, like in this case my school picnic, she is no where to be found! She pulled this last year by skipping my graduation and graduation party! She was fucking some minor league baseball player that weekend!!! But like a dumbass I took her back, because A) she is hot, and in the sack she doesn't "just lay there", B) I don't want to see her with a loser, C) I don't want to see her become a loser, and D) I have no other options right now. But I think I am done with her. The other reason I was in the bar, is because a friend of mine dates a girl that works at a bar, and she has a sympathetic ear and she had just gotten back from Florida, so I wanted to see how that was. She wasn't there. So I had 3 beers (all bought for me by the "extras") and switched to water, and went home w/out finding my floozie ex flame and w/ out seeing my buddies girl. Tomorrow I will go to work picnic alone with all the fucking married couples, but I will grin and bare it.
Tatman, that sounds just about like every relationship I've had in the past year. Even though the divorce rate is what it is right now, every time I go to one of my daughter's functions I find that I'm A) the only single parent there and B) about ten years younger than all the other parents, so I have nothing in common with any of them. Over the course of the past few months, I've discovered the fine art of being single. It's kind of nice from time to time just to tell girls to piss off and spend time with your buds. If she doesn't appreciate you, then fuck her (not literally). No sense in being miserable in the meantime. Life is short. Have fun at your picnic. She'd probably just be a distraction anyway. From what I know about you, you got a lot going for yourself, so just be cool, relax, and eventually you'll meet someone who deserves your attention....


(love advice from the 31 year old, divorced, single Dad desperately trying to get his shit together....)
Thanks for the kind words J!! I'm not depressed over this one (unlike the last one!!! damn, I thought I'd never recover, but time and distance helped) But at a certain point you start feeling like the anthrax behind the music "how could I have this bad of luck" I don't know, it just sucks basically.
...and not just Anthrax Behind the Music, but any episode for that matter. Do you ever hear that narrator's voice in your life? "Just when things were looking up for TD, that's when tragedy struck...."

God! That show just thrives on negativity....

1. It's good that you are drinking socially.
2. It's bad that you are hung up on this dopey broad. I suggest you go to her house and drink all of her scotch. Then puke in her fishtank. When she gets all pissed, tell her that you are done playing her games and that you are history.
3. Don't worry about the social pressure of going to a pcinic and having to have a date. Act like you don't care and people will be begging to set you up.
I've heard that narrator's voice in my head a few times. I didn't know it was an epidemic, I just thought there was something wrong with me. Now I feel better.

And if it helps any, I didn't meet my husband until I decided that men suck, ALL of them, they're all nuts and not worth the trouble, they're all terrible in bed, I'm being single forever because women are worse, I'll just get a cat and Blockbuster card. A month later, he showed up two hours late, and the plot against us was hatched...
Originally posted by TD
It sounds like I'm the chick in this relationship:lol: Usually, the female wonders where the guy is!!! ....
But anytime something important comes up, like in this case my school picnic, she is no where to be found! .

NO FUKING WAY! Ty- You're in the same boat as me.
I started seeing this girl about a month ago. I invited her out for my birthday (one week ago) and haven't heard from her since!!

99.999999% of chicks are FUCKED IN THE HEAD.

Brat is not included in that percentage. :grin: :grin:
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
I've heard that narrator's voice in my head a few times. I didn't know it was an epidemic, I just thought there was something wrong with me. Now I feel better.

And if it helps any, I didn't meet my husband until I decided that men suck, ALL of them, they're all nuts and not worth the trouble, they're all terrible in bed, I'm being single forever because women are worse, I'll just get a cat and Blockbuster card. A month later, he showed up two hours late, and the plot against us was hatched...

Dammit Brat! :mad: This was the part where you were supposed to stroke my ego and tell me how it "was her loss," and "you're a great catch, all the girls should want you!" Instead, you rub it in that you are taken, and give us a love story:grin:
I dunno man hearing all that "you're a great catch" shit was like pouring salt on wounds to me. Sounds to me like all she cares about is a good fuck. After having my heart ripped out, chewed, swallowed then puked back in my face too many times. I found someone. I'm gonna marry her too. She doesn't do drugs or drink and she has a very open mind. Except for the fact that she would not tolerate my drinking or getting high. Which was fine because that shit doesn't have a desired effect on me anyway. Anyway if you care about her even after the shbit she pulls. That makes me think you're a genuine person. BUt I do agree with you that you should be done with her.
Kyle Brofslowski: "Girls sucks ass."
Stanley Marsh: "Well of course they do, but wouldn´t it be fun to play Truth Or Dare with them? We can make ´em do really gross stuff like eat bugs."
:) :D

I, myself, have fallen off that illustrious wagon 1000 times or more. It's not all it's cracked up to be. As Shemp Howard once said, "There's a thousand reasons why I shouldn't drink right now, a thousand reasons, but I can't think of a single one right now!"

As far as the girl goes, Benny Hill said it best, "Women are like pianos, when they're not upright, they're grand!"

Take it easy, I'm listening to the Saint!

:Puke: :Puke: Rules!

Remember to take your moderation in moderation!
It was alright, I was sitting with a table of hotties telling me how I am "a riot, all you're stories are soooo funny and crazy!" (of course, these weren't even the good stories, I can't let fellow employees know the real good ones, this was the edited Ty) Too bad everyone of these young women are MARRIED. Single chicks don't talk to me for some reason.
Awww, I'm sorry Ty.

But I was kinda with Jono, I thought that would make it worse. I was only trying to point out that you have to totally give up on it before anything will happen. So if you stop looking and trying to figure it all out, you'll find something that will surprise you.

But if it makes you feel any better, if I was in Ohio in early 97, you wouldn't be single right now. :grin: