I'm so bad, I should be in detention

Feb 6, 2002
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So I was watching the early 90's Rodney Dangerfield masterpiece "Easy Money" and there's a part in it where Julio (who just married Rodney's daughter) is trying to win her back after a fight. So he has his buddy coaching him from the bushes and the friend tells him to let her know that "you are the man" and that "you are bad." So Julio is jumping up and down yelling up to his woman, "I'm the man!" and "I'm bad. I'm so bad I should be in detention."

I was wondering if this is where Anthrax got the inspiration for those lyrics. Anyone know?

Originally posted by Fat Drunk and Stupid
So I was watching the early 90's Rodney Dangerfield masterpiece "Easy Money" and there's a part in it where Julio (who just married Rodney's daughter) is trying to win her back after a fight. So he has his buddy coaching him from the bushes and the friend tells him to let her know that "you are the man" and that "you are bad." So Julio is jumping up and down yelling up to his woman, "I'm the man!" and "I'm bad. I'm so bad I should be in detention."

I was wondering if this is where Anthrax got the inspiration for those lyrics. Anyone know?


God I'm old, that is actually a early 80's movie, I even remember seeing it at the movies. And yes, that is exactly the part that Anthrax used in "I'm the Man". Kinda cool huh?

