Getting dumped during Bday week is fucking lame

J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001
Psycho bitch drama for REALS yo. Girl confesses a love for me on Tuesday, and blows her shit on Friday. It was her Bday on Thursday, and its mine on Monday, so Friday night was her party, and tonight's mine...

On one hand I've got some old friends I havent seen in fucking AGES coming out tonight to party... but on the other, now Im not gettin any of that guaranteed bday ass either. Motherfuck.

Do a shot in my honor, guys.

Its your birthday night out... surely theres gotta be some "its my fucking birthday and this chick just shat on me" sympathy-ass????

I'll have a jack dedicated to you
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the girl that you hoped would try to kill herself? (and succeed? :lol: )
if i had any booze here i would down a shot for you but i dont so ill eat a chocolate bar instead
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the girl that you hoped would try to kill herself? (and succeed? :lol: )

Yeah well clearly that's a joke, man... lol. I was pissed at her and all but let's be honest its not like I wanna necessarily get my bday party deuced on, either
Its your birthday night out... surely theres gotta be some "its my fucking birthday and this chick just shat on me" sympathy-ass????

I'll have a jack dedicated to you

Are you trying to tell me I should attempt to use logic on an american woman?

That's not gonna work here, sir... hahah
I've been given the arse by two chicks in my birthday month. Since that's December it's also Christmas month and one of em was a week before my uni graduation hahaha. That one was a total crackwhore so I'm not too fussed, the second one I would still jump straight back onto...... sigh.
Yeah that's like pretty common now with a valentine's split. Jacked. Happened to this girl I know
Nah I didnt even see her for her bday. I bought her a gift and I've just had it sitting here cuz she's been buggin since last week so I havent seen her to even give her her gift. Ill give this shit a few days to iron itself out, otherwise Im returning it and getting my fuckin cash back