getting ready to record

Nov 11, 2004
Hey whats up guys. Im getting ready to record a two song demo ,i need to know how many mics i should use on the cab. Ive heard that one off axis shure instrument mic is sufficient but i want the best sound for my money! Im looking for a very punchy rythem sound. I will be using a marshall 1960a cab along w/a jcm 900 head w/my tube screamer,my alternate head(second track) will be my peavy ultra 120 or a mesa roadking. my friend dave our other guitarist will be using the marshall and a 5150 new to the whole recording thing so dont mind the babbling , any insight will definately help ! dont be shy james. you know who this is. so speak up my friend :p

p.s. any advice on tricks to get a heavier tone would help too. unfortunately im paying a drummer to lay down drums as well so i need a cost effective way to get a great sounding demo. (the studio that im going to is equiped w/a protools hd/mac g5 setup along w/a slew of other toys.
If you spend a couple hours surfing this forum, you're gonna find plenty of info on how to mic your setup. Given the tube screamer and marshall cab, from what I understand, you should be able to get a solid tone with one sm57 straight ON AXIS, an inch away, slightly off-center, maybe a few centimeters.

The key is to spend time with placement--> try out each speaker in the cab, find the best sounding one, then really take your time finding precise placement. According to Andy, just a centimeter's distance can make all the difference in the world.
Genius Gone Insane said:
If you spend a couple hours surfing this forum, you're gonna find plenty of info on how to mic your setup. Given the tube screamer and marshall cab, from what I understand, you should be able to get a solid tone with one sm57 straight ON AXIS, an inch away, slightly off-center, maybe a few centimeters.

The key is to spend time with placement--> try out each speaker in the cab, find the best sounding one, then really take your time finding precise placement. According to Andy, just a centimeter's distance can make all the difference in the world.

Thanks man, I will definately use that advice. What about other brands of mics? the guy that owns the studio has some sennheiser stuff as well, the e609s and md421II. I know the sm57 is great but how are the other brands. My main problem is that i cant afford to spend a ton of time switching mics and what not, i know thats a kick to my ass. but thats my situation. I have one more question. i have a randall 2x15 cab that i love, can i record w/that as well and if so should i mic it w/a bassdrum/bass amp mic ? .....thanks again