getting rid of shit


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
hey how about selling, giving away and throwing away stuff

it's the best. it's so LIBERATING to FREE YOURSELF from the SHACKLES of the MATERIAL

all i want today is a house so i can build a necrostudio in the basement, i want everything else to go away :Shedevil:

(not really but god damn it, why do i keep all this junk)
crazy show ... few times I have seen it came to the conclusion that the few people that were highlighted were all left by someone ... divorce, etc. ... so they started gathering shit that couldn't leave them.
We have a TV show for that called Hoarders.

yeah it's not even close to that level, it's more like "hmm i don't have a lot of stuff, now how can i make it less"

that tv show is both fascinating and disturbing though, for some reason i have a sort of morbid interest in that stuff
crazy show ... few times I have seen it came to the conclusion that the few people that were highlighted were all left by someone ... divorce, etc. ... so they started gathering shit that couldn't leave them.

don't you think the "i sure do need this mountain of empty kleenex boxes" thing came FIRST and then their husband left them when they couldn't fit in bed anymore?

at least sometimes

i think this behaviour is by far most common in america from what i gather, and i think it's probably a sickness born of the unbridled capitalism you've got going on -- some people's brain seemingly can't process the "whoever's got the most stuff wins" mentality in a sane manner and end up not being able to differentiate between things worth keeping and things that are just a burden
An interesting cultural example of this is the Geico commercials that tout their insuring ability of virtually every type of motorized vehicle. They choose to promote this by showing a regular guy owning not just one of these - say, a car - but every one of them: personal watercraft, boat, ATV, motorcycle, etc. So if they spent millions of dollars on advertising this idea, it stands to reason that there actually is a significant portion of the population that consumes like that.
I want more stuff. I have clothes, a computer, an mp3 player, and a PS3. That's it. Not that I have room for more stuff.

I used to go through all my stuff every year or two and get rid of 2 or 3 huge trash bags full of shit. That always felt great.
It's amazing how quickly one gathers so much stuff. I moved here in 2001 with NOTHING (Ok, I had a tiny TV, a bike, and some books but THAT'S IT). Ten years later, I have a three bedroom house full of stuff and a two car garage full of stuff. And I consider myself something of a minimalist. Parents/grandparents do not help at all. Twice my parents have visited us by driving a cargo van full of shit they brought from their attic to "give" us as well as just a bunch of other shit they thought my kids would like.
Twice my parents have visited us by driving a cargo van full of shit they brought from their attic to "give" us as well as just a bunch of other shit they thought my kids would like.

ohhhhhh man, I hear you. my grandparents just love to unload unreasonable amounts of crap upon my brother and me. its hard to say no to your grandparents, it's just impossible. so we end up with huge cardboard boxes full of packing peanuts and plastic cookware/utensils from the fucking 1980's. it's like when you go to your in-law's for dinner and they give you 20 servings worth of leftovers just so they don't have to deal with it. you can't say no, you just have to take it and let it rot in your fridge (eventually even throwing out their Tupperware)