

I got this movie called Gettysburg, I guess it was a TV mini-series or something. Great, great movie, I would recommend it to those that are on a Glorious Burden kick like I have been. It's interesting, becuase Ted Turner back the movie with his own cash, it's funny he's actually in the movie as an extra. He's a rebel soldier, toward the end, he gets whacked! :worship:
Has anyone else seen this movie?:confused:
I haven't seen the movie. but then these things seem slightly boring to me because I grew up with it all around me. You see Greeno and myself both live about a half an hour away from Gettysburg, and about 10 minutes away from Harper's Ferry... another notorious Civil War related town. This is where John Brown was hung. Consequently there are a lot of Civil War buffs around here, and it's not unusual to see people dressed in historic uniforms as we have many re-enactments in the area, and Harper's Ferry is a national park where most of the employees there actually dress the part. It's strange to see people in a 7-11 getting a hot dog and a soda while they're dressed in a Civil War uniform, but I see it every other day or so.... consequently it has kind of jaded me against the history that surrounds this area.... Hell I'm pretty sure that they even shot some of the scenes from that movie here in our town... :D
They filmed part of a Civil War movie here a couple of years ago..... what was it called Plan13?.....Gods and Generals?... The movie about Patsy Cline was also filmed here back in the 80's, she is from this area.

As for the Civil War stuff, I'm like Plan13, it's just another part of everyday life around here so it's not that interesting to me.
Hawk said:
Gods and Generals was excellent! I still have to see Gettysburg. But I will!
Welcome back Hawk!:worship:
I'm just on a history(in general) kick, I have to add Gods & Generals to the list! I've actually convinced the old lady that WE NEED to go to Gettysburg, it would be "educational" for the kids....
I guess if you grew up around that kinda stuff it's everday life. I get the same with this Lewis & Clark thing, or the Oregon Trail, doesn't wind my watch....
sixxswine said:
Welcome back Hawk!:worship:
Thanks duder I appreciate it :headbang:

sixxswine said:
I'm just on a history(in general) kick, I have to add Gods & Generals to the list! I've actually convinced the old lady that WE NEED to go to Gettysburg, it would be "educational" for the kids....
I guess if you grew up around that kinda stuff it's everday life. I get the same with this Lewis & Clark thing, or the Oregon Trail, doesn't wind my watch....
God's and Generals is a great movie if you like the history behind it. I found it fascinating! I am jealous of some of you guy's, because US history is my favorite history subject! I loved the stories about the Lewis & Clark mission since I've been a little kid.

I also watched the Leatherstockings stories of James Fenimore Cooper on German TV during the summer holiday's.

I'd would love to live near Gettysburg like plan13 and Greeno. I would join a living history group within a sec!! Of course I would want to be fighting on the rebel side fighting against the northern agression ;)

Two other good movies about the civil war are:

Shenandoah (1965)


The first one is a lot older but still very good.

Enjoy them Swiny! :D
sixxswine said:
I've actually convinced the old lady that WE NEED to go to Gettysburg, it would be "educational" for the kids....

If you make that trip let us know, we'll have to hook up on the battle field. :)
sixxswine said:
Wouldn't that be something to meet at the battle field?
That's a great idea. Kinda like a UM field trip of sorts.
I too would love to live near there. How historic. I think Hawk used the word that sums that up for me "facinating." It is.
I have been thinking about an Old School UM meeting somewere.
Why not there? Could be fun. But we need a place to play our music.
If anybody knows how to do this I am game :)
sixxswine said:
Oh by the way, I have seen Glory, back when it came out in theaters. Great movie, I have to pick up the DVD.
Hawk, what about suggested reading on the subject?
You got anything worth while to recommend?!
You bet! But it depands a bit on what your interest is.

One great book that explains it from a rather controversial viewpoint is

The real Linclon by Thomas DiLorenzo

It explains the conflict from the view of "States right". Had the south the right to secede? If so, Lincoln was wrong to wage war on the south.

I have linked the title to the amazon page of the book. On that page you will find other books

Hawk said:
I have been thinking about an Old School UM meeting somewere.
Why not there? Could be fun. But we need a place to play our music.
If anybody knows how to do this I am game :)

You'd better believe it. I think chance are there's something close where WE could all catch a show or something like that. It would be a blast!
Let me think on this could happen...
In any event, I would like to shake your hand.
Thanks for the tip on the book. I will look for that one.
sixxswine said:
You'd better believe it. I think chance are there's something close where WE could all catch a show or something like that. It would be a blast!
Let me think on this could happen...
In any event, I would like to shake your hand.
Thanks for the tip on the book. I will look for that one.
Sounds great to me! Looking forward to meeting you man! Let me know if you liked the book.
Gettysburg is one of my all-time favourite movies, awesome stuff. As well as Metal, I'm a history nut and the ACW is one of my "favourite" conflicts - despite being English.

"Favourite" isn't really the best word to use but I couldn't think of anything better.