Ghost, how cute!

Reporter: Im standing here with the group Ghost, Dan Swanö who's playing drums and Anders Måreby that plays keyboard and sings. Ghost, that is a hell of a name for an orchestra isnt it?

Dan: Yeah.

Reporter: Why did you choose Ghost, you aint that ghostlike(?).

Dan: We took it in the beginning and it's unnecessary to change.

Reporter: They are frome Finspång and they are 13 and 14 years old, how much do you practise?

Dan: 7 days a week, 1 or 1,5 hours.

Reporter: Then you must be fully learned by now? (?)

Dan: Yeah

Reporter: You write your own songs ofcourse?

Dan: Yes

Reporter: Now we are going to hear a song called U.F.O

Dan: Mmm

Reporter: Can you first explain how a U.F.O sounds like?

*Dan hits the drums pew pew pew ^^*

Reporter: That's what you thought! Well anyway here they are Ghost (with a mystic and horny voice).

Well that's about it, I hope you understand my crappy english :p

Is anyone able to translate what is said/written in this video?

I gave it a try, it's a really fun clip but I'm not sure everything will come through in this translation:

Hello Finspång, here you have me. There you have Ulf, there you
have Bengt. [here am I, there's Ulf, there's Bengt].
Yes, hello and welcome to Hello Finspång. Today we will start
with a new competition, that you can send in your answers to.
It is "songtalk" but on TV, and it is A'capella noise(?) songtalk. So, if
you know which song this is send it to Ulf-Bengt... [sound].
Yes... do you know the answer to that send it in to Bengt again.
Now over to "Music corner".

Yes, now we are here in the Music corner. And now for a little
interview with the troubadour [name starting on S] Balder.
- What is it that is so special about you?
- Well... I don't have any hands...! Hahaha

I was out walking one day, the boat ended up in the sun. The
light jumped from [Christmas] tree to [Christmas] tree and Bosse
ended up in the forest. [solo] Little Ulf was out walking too, the
beard he stepped on. The moustasch broke, Ulf got home, found
the [his] father in a laundry basket... ate him up...


So... there you go. Hopefully that cleared everything up! Or not...:loco: